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How to make some key binds using text files


Basically it's the same as making any other key bind but is a lot more convienient and gives you a lot more control as you can use multiple commands at once with more success.


The easiest way to explain is to just make one.. So to start with here's how to make a pack.


Click here


You notice a bunch of summons commands etc open in another very plain and boring browser window :) Take your time and have a good look whats there.

Thats what your txt file should look like once its finished.


Go into your UNREAL SYSTEM folder and at the top of the window where it says "File" click on that and scroll down untill you see "New" then click on the option "Text Document"


This has now made a new file in your system folder called "New Text Document.txt"  Well we have to rename that.. So right click on it and rename it to pack.txt


Double click on pack.txt and it will open up in notepad (if not any text browser will do) Now go back to the example and copy and paste it into pack.txt and save


Ok now that's done we need to make a bind for it..

Start up unreal, then in the menu go to options, and choose advanced options

Once the advanced menu has popped up go into the "advanced" section and double click where it says "Raw Key Bindings"  Now what key to use??

Well P for Pack??

Ok scroll down to where the P is and type this in next to it exec pack.txt


Ok exit out of all that and go try it :))


Not happy with the pack?? Want to add something? Change something?


Ok go into your UNREAL SYTEM folder and double click on the file pack.txt Windows normally opens it with notepad, but any text browser will do.

Simply add a new command on a new line or remove one etc.. save it and its done.. finished

Note each admin command must be on its own line.


Part Two

Ok now for another :))

Time to make some guns....


Go into your UNREAL SYSTEM folder and at the top of the window where it says "File" click on that and scroll down untill you see "New" then click on the option "Text Document"


This has now made a new file in your system folder called "New Text Document.txt"  Well once again we have to rename that.. So right click on it and rename it to guns.txt


Ok now that we have a file named guns.txt double click on it. As before notepad opens it..


Now all you have to do is copy and paste this into it or type it in yourself.



summon rifle

summon eightball

summon flakcannon

admin set ammo maxammo 3000

admin set rifle PickupAmmoCount 1000

admin set eightball PickupAmmoCount 1000

admin set flakcannon PickupAmmoCount 1000



Ok save the file.. Now go back into Unreal back into the "advanced" section and back into the "raw key bindings" section

What key to use?? G for guns??

Scroll down untill u see G and type this next to it exec guns.txt


Even easier than the first one? what this bind does is summons 3 different guns and makes it so each gun has up to 3000 ammo each time u touch the gun it will give you 1000 ammo at a time.


Ok up to you to do the other guns :))


If you make a file called guns2.txt you would make the bind exec guns2.txt etc etc


Part Three


 Now for something a little more involved..How to use One key like an "on" and "off" switch.

For this we need to make two txt files and we'll get the txt files themselves to set the keys and swap between on and off.

For this one we'll do a low gravity with aircontrol switch which will give you a moon walk effect with air control and the ability to put it back to normal again.

Ok go into your UNREAL SYSTEM folder again and as before create a new text document and rename it to low.txt


copy and paste the following:


say Tracking sattelites report that partial gravity has been lost

admin set zoneinfo zonegravity (x=0,y=0,z=0)

admin set playerpawn aircontrol .07

set input u exec lowoff.txt



Ok save it, and the "on" switch is now done


Ok go into your UNREAL SYSTEM folder again and as before create a new text document and rename it to lowoff.txt


copy and paste the following:


say Gravity Has been restored !!

admin set zoneinfo zonegravity (x=0,y=0,z=-950)

admin set playerpawn aircontrol .05

set input u exec low.txt



ok save it, and now the "off" switch is done


Now go back into Unreal back into the "advanced" section and back into the "raw key bindings" section

What key to use?? U for Up and down??

Scroll down untill u see U and type this next to it exec low.txt


There that's that..Now when you press U, you will have low gravity and once you press it again it will be turned off.


Now the trick here is the last line in both those files notice the "set input u exec lowoff.txt" and the "set input u exec low.txt" command?? What this does is sets up the key U to be used for the up and down..So if  you want to use a different key u will have to change both files there aswell.


After you've set this up this is what happens

By pressing U you give the admin commands for low gravity etc but you also re-configure your setup so U is no longer "exec low.txt" it now becomes "exec lowoff.txt".. Press it again and it changes the setup again and puts it back the way it was. In other words you are automatically setting up a bind inside the txt file....


for example:


You can set up a heap of different binds like this by going into unreal and press tab

and type the following:


set input B summon jumpboots

This will set up the key B to summon jumpboots


set input S summon skaarjwarrior

This will set the key S to summon a Skaarjwarrior


etc etc etc So now if you look at those two files again you can see what theyre doing using the command "set input"..


More examples


Ok here is some thats's already done for you including the top examples:


The difference here is that the end part or the file has a different file extention.. The reason this is is so you can download them straight into your UNREAL\SYSTEM folder and then all you have to do is set up a bind.. Unreal doesn't mind either way so long as they're text files and saved in text format. So instead of having exec pack.txt as a bind you'll have exec pack.doc instead.

 In preference You'd be better off using txt files but I made these for an easy can always rename them to txt and edit the bind accordingly

Things to make

To download

Key to use for bind

Bind to make

an items pack

Click here


exec pack.doc

a guns pack 1

Click here


exec guns.doc

a guns pack 2

Click here


exec guns2.doc

a guns pack 3

Click here


exec guns3.doc

low gravity on and off

Click here and here


exec low.doc

a nasty Ice Skaarj

Click here


exec skaarj.doc

Monsters drop items when they die

Click here


exec bonus.doc

To make players small and big again

 Click here and here

 Numpad 1

exec little.doc








