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UNREAL - The New ending



Two new maps to finish off the game and allow players to RESTART  the server at different maps.

Endgame is the new substitute map which will allow you to travel to Gatewaycoop and from there you can travel though various portals to warp into another unreal map.

Easy and quick to install/uninstall and will restore your game back to normal if you choose automatic uninstall and use the "rollback" feature


Download the UnrealCooppatchv1 and install.


Click here to download New end maps

  **note : if you have problems you may have to disable your download manager


UNREAL - SkaarjCastle and SkaarjTower ver 2


A great new map series by Drew, SkaarjCastle and SkaarjTower. These levels are huge with many tricks and turns. Spend hours of play in these awesome maps Coop or single player.


Well worth the download



Click here to download SkaarjCastle

  **note : if you have problems you may have to disable your download manager