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Wedding Quotes

The following quotes are from Rogue and Wickedlady's recent Marriage

Angusog says, 'Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Rogue and Wickedlady'
Angusog says, 'which is an honorable estate, and one that should be entered into with reverence and rejoicing'
Angusog says, 'by our presence here, we bear witness of our support and affirmation of this mud-marriage.'
Angusog says, 'Into this holy estate these two persons present now come to be joined.'
[CLAN]: Leader Cantankerous says, 'how many times you think he'll say 'estate''
[CLAN]: Schism says, 'At least 40'

Angusog says, 'Marriage is the union of mud-husband and mud-wife in heart, body and mind.'
Angusog says, 'It is intended for their mutual joy and for the help and comfort given on another in prosperity and adversity. But more importantly it is a means through which a stable and loving environment may be attained. (and better eq!)'

Angusog says, 'Through marriage, Rogue and Wickedlady make a commitment together to face their CPK losses embrace their CPK wins realize their hopes and accept each others failures.'

Angusog asks, 'Who gives this woman in mud-marriage to this man?'
Baby Jesus says, 'Not me, I want no part!'

Baby Jesus says, "Madrigal makes me sad."

Angusog says, 'at this point, I will now proceed with the exchange of vows :)'
Solberg puts Solberg's Smackin' Gloves on his hands.

Angusog says, 'I now ask for the rings to be presented'
Madrigal asks, 'what about objections?'
Madrigal whistles innocently.
Wickedlady snickers softly.

Solberg says to Madrigal, 'overruled!'
Baby Jesus yells, 'I object!'

Angusog asks, 'now, before I proceed, Are there any objections?'
A little bird chirps at Rogue, 'cheep cheep'
Madrigal says, 'I object to solberg's presence'
Solberg says to Madrigal, 'I object to Madrigal's stench'
Madrigal says to Solberg, 'your wife likes it'

Solberg gasps in astonishment.

Solberg stops using Solberg's Smackin' Gloves.
Solberg introduces Madrigal to the back of his hand!

Madrigal skips around Solberg... he must be happy.
Madrigal wears a fluffy pink tutu around his waist.

Madrigal says to Angusog, 'i object!'

Angusog says, 'These two lives are now joined in one unbroken circle. Wherever they eq - may they always return to one another.'
Solberg says, 'kiss for the love of god'

Silvermoon and Eiros are smooching in the corner.
You say to Silvermoon, 'not you!'

Madrigal throws a rice at Rogue, striking him squarely.

Rogue tenderly kisses Wickedlady.

Angusog says to Rogue, 'Rogue, in placing this ring on Wickedlady's finger, repeat after me:'
Wickedlady says, 'we ..did..'
Varanus says, 'You guys are way too early.'

Madrigal steals rice from Rogue.

Rogue gives a golden ring of the clanleader to Wickedlady.

Angusog says to Rogue, 'Wickedlady, you are now consecrated to me as my mud-wife from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring, I thee wed.'
Rogue says, 'Wickedlady, you are now consecrated to me as my mud-wife from this day forward and I give you this ring as the pledge of my love and as the symbol of our unity and with this ring, I thee wed.'

Angusog gives a white gold wedding ring made especially for Rogue to Wickedlady.
[CLAN]: Leader Cantankerous says, 'if only all weddings could involve cutting and pasting'

Wickedlady gives a white gold wedding ring made especially for Rogue to Rogue.

Madrigal says to Solberg, 'don't steal credit for my fiasco :P'
Solberg says to Madrigal, 'I'm not stealing credit :p'
Solberg says to Madrigal, 'this would be stealing credit'

Madrigal disappears in a mushroom cloud.
Solberg tells Madrigal how much he loves him.

Angusog says, 'May you always share with each other the gifts of love - be one in heart and in mind - may you always create a home together that puts in your hearts - love - generosity and kindness.'
Madrigal says to Rogue, 'but no pword sharing!'

Madrigal just threatened to do bodily harm to Rogue!

Angusog says, 'You have pronounced yourselves mud-husband and mud-wife but remember to always be each others best friend.... and clannie.'

Angusog says, 'What therefore Gods has joined together let no man put asunder.'
Angusog points at himself.
Angusog points at Madrigal.
Angusog points at Solberg.

The Lagmonster arrives from a puff of smoke.
Madrigal scolds the Lagmonster for being so naughty!
Savour boggles at everything.

Madrigal disintegrates the Lagmonster.

Angusog says, 'And so, by the power vested in me by the State of Vega... errr Exile and Almighty GodS, I now pronounce you mud-man and mud-wife - and may your days be good and long upon the earth.'
Angusog says, 'You may now kiss the bride.'
Madrigal says, 'first person to kiss gets deleted'

Rogue gives Wickedlady a deep passionate kiss.
Wickedlady exclaims, 'ok, quiet!'

Solberg says, 'I have presents for you two'
Solberg gives a Solbergian early-Christmas present to Wickedlady.
Solberg gives a Solbergian early-Christmas present to Rogue.

Janna says, 'only girls'
Revenge says, 'i am a girl'

The Joker says to Solberg, 'Perhaps this number will bring you luck!'
He blows a cloud of smoke which slowly forms the number 2147483647.
Then, with a wink and a smile, he is gone.

The Joker says to Madrigal, 'Perhaps this number will bring you luck!'
He blows a cloud of smoke which slowly forms the number 0.
Then, with a wink and a smile, he is gone.

Madrigal throws a rice at Wickedlady, striking her squarely.

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