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Quotes From Exile

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Quotes: Current 1 2 3

Iori : what are you babbling about?
Iori : YER L@M3!

Cantankerous sings, 'No more strippin, in bars. It's you and me Hex, against the odds.'eeling floods your body.
Hextall sings, 'this town will rip the spine from your back'

An angry cobra clambers to its feet.

Kryptic : nice uptime
Up since Wed Mar 16 09:59:25 2005: 3 days, 2 hours, 51 minutes
Someone : everytime kryptic says nice uptime, I put off rebooting for another 8 hours :p

A spirit resembling Kovex gossips 'can someone take me to a portal?'
Asendre gossips 'where are they?'
Phoenixfire gossips 'explore, its good for your soul'
Phoenixfire gossips 'or brian'
Phoenixfire gossips 'i mean brain'
Janna gossips 'its good for brian too'

The Joker says to Janna, 'Perhaps this number will bring you luck!'
He blows a cloud of smoke which slowly forms the number 6.

Then, with a wink and a smile, he is gone.
Janna sighs.
The Joker says to Phoenixfire, 'Perhaps this number will bring you luck!'
He blows a cloud of smoke which slowly forms the number 5.

Then, with a wink and a smile, he is gone.
Phoenixfire says, 'you're joking'

Rakshasa auctions, '500k = 1mil'

Lazirus auctions 'what The severed hand of Destiny'
Madrigal auctions 'what the Lazirus'
Lazirus auctions 'Mmmm I'll buy a Lazirus too!'
Madrigal auctions 'he belongs to the Ill guild, you'll have to ask them'
Lazirus auctions 'I don't casts that many spells!'
Madrigal auctions 'yeah, but you're (perm) suck, which is criteria one for being an ill'

Solgnir : i wish FL and CA would fall into the ocean
Janna : :-(
Solgnir : you could seek refuge in vegas, jananana
Janna : joy

Cantankerous : I hate to seem uncaring or rude, but when I see these two headlines next to each other, I feel rejoicing
Cantankerous : 'Famed Attorney Johnnie Cochran Dead at 67' and "Rev. Falwell in Critical Condition"
Hextall : If the coffin fits, you must quit
Solgnir : If he doesn't stir, you must inter!
Hextall : er, call it quits
Cantankerous : zing and zing

Cantankerous : you guys are going to hell
Cantankerous : Say hi to Johnny, John, and now Johnnie for me
Cantankerous : Cash, Ritter, and Cochran respectively

Hextall : Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
Cantankerous : Yes!

Cantankerous : It'd sure be twisted to eat rabbit on Easter
Cantankerous : rabbit stuffed with duck
Hextall : Stuffed with a smaller rabbit
Madrigal : I don't think I've ever actually eaten rabbit
Cantankerous : I want to try it
Hextall : I've only licked a rabbit. they don't let me into the petting zoo anymore

Cantankerous : My sister used the phrase 20-10 on Sunday, I almost threw my brisket at her
Cantankerous : but it was mighty good brisket
Hextall : Brisket? What are you a communist?
Hextall : You eat ham on Easter mister
Cantankerous : there was ham involved
Hextall : I'm sure it was featured in the throwing portion of dinner

Madrigal : [ Somebody killed by nothing at Solberg's Diabolical Laboratory ]
Madrigal : sounds like exile needs a vacation, it's getting lazy

Hextall : "nerd" used at just the right moment is always funny
Hextall : It's been ages since somebody called me a nerd. I always get 'freak' and 'weirdo' and 'scary' now :-(
Madrigal : it's the overlap
Hextall : and 'restraining order' and 'press charges'

The town crier gossips, 'Somebody has just become a member of Iron Chef Exile!'
The town crier gossips, 'but I'm not telling who!'

Lazirus auctions 'Still want to buy the Severed hand of Destiny'
Madrigal auctions 'so does Destiny'

Overseer : janna is "Janna, Jannes, who speaks or answers; afflicted; poor"
Janna : im poor and afflicted :(
Infinity : poor janna :(
Phoenixfire : overseer, what sounds like janna?
Overseer : janna? sounds like "Jain, jam, Jan, jawan, jean, JEM,jemmy, Jena, Jenny, jimmy, jinn, Jinnah, jinnee, jinni, john, Johnny, join, Jonah,June, June 14, June 21, June 23, June 24, June 29, June 3, Juneau,Juno, Jain, Jaina, Jam, Jan, Jane, Jaw
Janna : im dates!

Hextall : my greatest accomplishemnt ever -- making random dictionary searches fun
Janna : overseer what is a dictionary?

Spade : overseer, what is blink182?
Overseer : I don't know what blink182 is!
Madrigal : I'll help you out spade
Madrigal : overseer, what is crap?
Overseer : s'it be "In de game uh craps, some damn fust drow uh de dice in which de total be two, dree, o' twelve, in which case da damn casta' loses. Also called {craps}. [Websta' 1913 Suppl. +PJC]"
Infinity : overseer, what is burn ;)

Overseer : I'm the Overseer. Im the best thing ever. I can fly, cut hair, do taxes and save children trapped in deadly fires!

[Ranger]: Lazirus says, 'My shit key hates me :-('
[Ranger]: Madrigal says, 'eat more fiber'
[Ranger]: Lazirus says, 'Of go...meant shift!'
[Ranger]: Lazirus says, 'Jesus I can't type'

Icepik says,'easy stuff!'
[CLAN]: Icepik has met his end at Floating in a Dark Otherworldly Plane of Shadow

Madrigal : I was just thinking how cool it would be to have a vial of gold in gas form
Madrigal : and then I thought "it might be a funny trend to start sniffing gold gas"
Madrigal : and then I realized that as soon as the gas got out of a high pressure environment, it would undergo a drastic phase change that would be highly exothermic
Madrigal : so it probably wouldn't be too fun to experience
Hextall : Madrigal's confusion of solid state physics makes my brain hurt
Hextall : Stick with literature/history!

Madrigal gossips 'who was it... bremen had a webcam and accidentally left it on'
Madrigal gossips 'and then realized people were watching him as he came out of the shower'

The town crier gossips 'Mnoilion has been removed from Los Gitanos de la Muerte!'
Mnoilion : now i have no home =(

Silvermoon sings, 'Ru guo quan shi jie wo ye ke yi fang qi, zhi shao hai you ni zhi de wo qu zhen xi'
Janna sings, 'she's singing in her imaginary language again'
Silvermoon sings, 'it's chinese!'
Janna sings, 'you cant fool us'

Hextall : I tell you.. there's nothing mroe relaxing than killing madrigal a few dozen times

Lazirus : [Ranger]: Eiros says, 'jesus remind me to never sleep with Revenge'

Nightcrawler : what a baffling exile stat
Nightcrawler : seven has 282000 mob kills
Nightcrawler : but only found 428 relics in all of those kills
Nightcrawler : wtf
Nightcrawler : that guy needs to just quit looking

Solgnir sings, 'i got 99 problems..and janna's 63 of them :('
Janna sings, 'damn straight'

Hextall sings, 'I'm a danish, I'm a danish. I'm a danish, I'm a danish.'
Hextall sings, 'Eat me I'm a danish'

Blkdragon tells the form, 'how can you get in a clan'
Phoenixfire tells the form, 'give canta beer'
Blkdragon tells the form, 'which is the best clan'
Phoenixfire tells the form, '2'
Janna tells the form, '1'
Incubus tells the form, '3'

Hextall : best clothes ever
Hextall : jeans
Janna : amen
Hextall : so practical! Durable! Comfortable!
Hextall : Plus they act as urban camoflauge

[CLAN]: Relkin says, 'someone gem clan 54'
[CLAN]: Relkin says, '4'
[CLAN]: Relkin says, '5'
[CLAN]: Relkin says, 'fuckliahliajh'

[TRIBE]: Leader Chrysalis says, 'i would unenroll you if ur name wasnt so long'

[TRIBE]: Sereda says, 'geez rev'
[TRIBE]: Sereda says, 'you know nothing'
[TRIBE]: Revenge says, 'sorry'
[TRIBE]: Revenge says, 'i hate enhdria'
[TRIBE]: Revenge says, 'i can't even spell it!'

[TRIBE]: Inferno says, 'pfft'
[TRIBE]: Inferno says, 'im afk more than chrys is!'
[TRIBE]: Inferno says, 'afk!'

[TRIBE]: Creole says, 'they are 115-17.ooze btw'
[TRIBE]: Creole says, 'c true 115.ooze'
[TRIBE]: Phoenixfire says, 'c tru bubbly'
[TRIBE]: Phoenixfire says, 'try that :P'
[TRIBE]: Revenge says, 'bet that was fun to figure out :P'
[TRIBE]: Creole says, 'rofl'
[TRIBE]: Creole says, 'that is sooo much bull'

[Illusionist]: Creole says, 'how do you ts the oozes in gaunt?'
[Illusionist]: Okbye says, 'bubbly'

Chloe auctions, '1.2 mil x1'
A God auctions, '1.3m!'
A God auctions, 'ow ow ow nvm take it'
Chloe auctions, 'man....imps....'

Sourn says to Phoenixfire, 'You're hard to kill'
Sourn says to Phoenixfire, 'I don't like you anymore!'

Phoenixfire says, 'smoking is like this clan's official sport or something'
Rambo says, ' I suggest you start.'
Incubus says, 'chics who smoke aren't attractive'
Lazirus says to Incubus, 'but I'm attractive!'

Killa auctions, 'i'll bite 10k'
Masigo auctions, 'killa bites anything'
Gerrerd auctions, 'nahh only me... when i tell him to'
Lazirus auctions, 'naw Killa has more bark than bite'
Reatar auctions, 'hey off my channel :P'
Masigo auctions, 'he likes biting gerrerd ya know cause he dont like biting off more then he can chew and stuff'

[CLAN]: Lazirus says, 'Miriam - I might turn into a sexy bitch'
[CLAN]: Mnoilion says, 'plastic surgery can only do so much!'

Hextall gossips, 'Newton's 4th law of conversations states that a conversation will stop unless ceaselessly and remorselessly prodded'

Phoenixfire utters the words, 'magic missile', and are drained of 5 mana.
The magic missile penetrates the air miles above Sinn Lorax.

Arthrimon says, 'man i hate seeing ancient'
Arthrimon says, 'that word makes me jolly'

Phoenixfire auctions 'wtb: a person!'
Xantar auctions 'me 1coin'
Xantar auctions ':)'
Xantar auctions 'im valuable'
Phoenixfire auctions 'not valuable enough, sorry :/'
Xantar auctions 'aww :P'
Xantar auctions 'i can do tricks'
Darkmoon auctions 'one coin'
Xantar auctions 'sold clanhall'
Darkmoon auctions 'ok now gold for me'
Darkmoon auctions 'i want 1 mil by tomorrow, since i own you now'

[CLAN]: Leader Cantankerous says, 'stick around if you're able, eq later I want!'
[CLAN]: Leader Cantankerous says, 'all those words but in an order that makes sense anyway'
[CLAN]: Bobsuruncle says, 'yes master yoda'

[CLAN]: Jupiter says, 'holy fucking clanwhere'
[CLAN]: Jupiter says, 'I mean, hi'

Kryptic gossips 'what happened to the bulliten boarD? in cofee shop?'
Hannah gossips 'i hit it with my bulldozer'
Kryptic gossips 'sweet'
Hannah gossips 'sorry bout that :)'

[CLAN]: Rakshasa says, 'i just went into gauntlet from my despair swalk'

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