VERS Aquitaine par insuls Britanniques
De par eux-mesmes grandes incursions
Pluyes, gelees feront terroirs iniques,
Port Selyn fortes fera inuasions.
La teste bleue fera la teste blanche
Autant de mal, que France a faict leur bien:
Mort a` l'anthene, grand pendu sus la branche,
Quand prins des siens le Roy dira combien.
Pour la chaleur solitaire sus la mer,
De Negrepont les poissons demy cuits:
Les habitans viendront entamer,
Quand Rhod & Gennes leur faudra le biscuit.
Depuis Monach iusqu'aupres de Sicille,
Toute la plage demourra desolee:
Il n'y aura fauxbourgs, cite', ne ville,
Que par Barbares pillee soit & vollee.
Qu'en dans poisson, fer & lettre enfermee,
Hors sortira, qui puis fera la guerre,
Aura par mer sa classe bien ramee,
Apparoissant pres de Latine terre.
Aupres des portes & dedans deux citez
Seront deux fleaux, & onc n'apperceut vn tel,
Faim, dedans peste, de fer hors gens boutez,
Crier secours au grand Dieu immortel.
Entre plusieurs aux isles deportez,
L'vn estre nay a` deux dents en la gorge
Mourront de faim les arbres esbrotez,
Pour eux neuf Roy, nouuel edict leur forge.
Temples sacrez prime fac,on Romaine,
Reietteront les gofres fondements,
Prenant leurs loix premieres & humaines,
Chassant non tout des saincts les cultements.
Neuf ans le regne le maigre en paix tiendra,
Puis il cherra en soif si sanguinaire,
Pour luy peuple sans foy & loy mourra
Tue' vn beaucoup plus debonnaire.
Auant long temps le tout sera range',
Nous esperons vn siecle bien senestre,
L'estat des masques & des seuls bien change'.
Peu trouueront qu'a` son rang veuille estre.
Le prochain fils de l'aisnier paruiendra
Tant esleue' iusqu'au regne des fors:
Son aspre gloire vn chacun craindra,
Mais ses enfans du regne gettez hors.
Yeux clos ouuerts d'antique fantasie,
L'habit des seuls seront mis a` neant:
Le grand monarque chastiera leur frenaisie,
Ravir des temples le thresor par deuant.
Le corps sans ame plus n'estre en sacrifice,
Iour de la mort mis en natiuite':
L'esprit diuin fera l'ame felice,
Voiant le verbe en son eternite'.
A Tours, Gien, garde' seront yeux penetrans,
Descouuriront de loing la grand sereine:
Elle & sa suitte au port seront entrans,
Combat, poussez, puissance souueraine.
Vn peu deuant monarque trucide'?
Castor Pollux en nef, astre crinite:
L'erain public par terre & mer vuide',
Pise, Ast, Ferrare, Turin terre interdicte.
Naples, Palerme, Sicile, Syracuses,
Nouueaux tyrans, fulgures feux celestes:
Force de Londres, Gand, Bruxelles & Suses,
Grand hecatombe, triomphe faire festes.
Le champ du temple de la vierge vestale,
Non esloigne' d'Ethne & monts Pyrenees:
Le grand conduit est cache' dans la male,
North gettez fleuues & vignes mastinees.
Nouelle & pluye subite, impetueuse,
Empeschera subit deux exercites.
Pierre ciel, feux faire la mer pierreuse,
La mert de sept terre & marin subites.
Nouueaux venus lieu basty sans defence,
Occuper la place par lors inhabitable:
Prez, maisons, champs, villes, pre^dre a` plaisance,
Faim peste, guerre, arpen long labourage.
Freres & soeurs en diuers lieux captifs,
Se trouueront passer pres du monarque:
Les comtempler ses rameaux ententifs.
Desplaisant voir menton fro^t, nez, les marques.
L'ambassadeur enuoye' par biremes,
A my chemin d'incogneuz repoussez:
De sel renfort viendront quatre triremes,
Cordes & chaines en Negre pont troussez.
Le camp Ascop d'Europe partira,
S'adioignant proche de l'Isle submergee:
D'Araon classe phalange pliera,
Nombril du monde plus grand voix subrogee:
Palais, oyseaux, par oyseau dechasse',
Bien tost apres le prince paruenu:
Combien qu'hors fleuue ennemy repousse',
Dehors saisir trait d'oyseau soustenu.
Bestes farouches de faim fleuues tranner;
Plus part du champ encontre Hister sera,
En cage de fer le grand fera treisner,
Quand rien enfant de Germain obseruera.
La garde estrange trahira forteresse,
Espoir & vmbre de plus hault mariage:
Garde dec,eu, fort prinse dans la presse,
Loyre, Saone, Rosne, Gar, a` mort oultrage.
Pour sa faueur que la cite' fera,
Au grand qui tost perdra camp de bataille,
Puis le rang Pau Thesin versera,
De sang, feux morts yeux de coup de taille.
Le diuin verbe sera du ciel frappe',
Qui ne pourra proceder plus auant:
Du reseruant le secret estoupe',
Qu'on marchera par dessus & deuant.
Le penultiesme du surnom du Prophete,
Prendra Diane pour son iour & repos:
Loing vaguera par frenetique teste,
En deliurant vn grand peuple d'impos.
L'Oriental sorrira de son siege,
Passer les monts Apennons voir la Gaule:
Transpercera le ciel, les eaux & neige,
Et vn chacun frappera de sa gaule.
Vn qui les dieux d'Annibal infernaux,
Fera renaistre, effrayeur des humains.
Oncq' plus d'horreur ne plus pire iournaux,
Qu'auint viendra par Babel aux Romains.
En Campanie le Cassilin fera tant,
Qu'on ne verra d'aux les champs couuers:
Deuant apres la pluye de long temps,
Hors mis les arbres rien l'on verra de vert.
Laict, sang grenoilles escoudre en Dalmatie.
Conflict donne' preste pres de Balennes:
Cry sera grand par toute Esclauonie,
Lors naistra monstre pres & dedans Rauenne.
Par le torrent qui descent de Veronne,
Par lors qu'au Pau guindera son entree.
Vn grand naufrage, & non moins en Garonne,
Quand ceux de Ge^nes marchero^t leur contree
L'ire insensee du combat furieux,
Fera a` table par freres le fer luire:
Les desparrit blesse', & curieux,
Le fier duelle viendra en France nuire.
Dans deux logis de nuict la feu prendra,
Plusieurs dedans estoffez & rostis.
Pres de deux fleuues pour seul il aduiendra:
Sol, l'Arq, & Caper tous seront amortis.
Du grand Prophete les lettres seront prinses,
Entre les mains du tyran deuiendront:
Frauder son Roy seront ses entreprinses,
Mais ses rapines bien tost le troubleront.
De ce grand nombre que l'on enuoyera,
Pour secourir dans le fort assiegez,
Peste & famine tous les deuorera,
Hors mis septante qui seront profligez.
Des condamnez sera fait vn grand nombre,
Quand les monarques seront conciliez:
Mais l'vn d'eux viendra si malencombre,
Que guerre ensemble: ne seront raliez.
Vn deuant le conflict Italique,
Germains, Gaulois, Espaignols pour le fort:
Cherra l'escolle maison de republique,
Ou`, hors mis peu, seront suffoque' morts.
Vn peu apres non point longue interualle,
Par mer & terre sera faict grand tumulte:
Beaucoup plus grande sera pugne nauale,
Feux, animaux, qui plus feront d'insulte.
La grand' estoille par sept iours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.
Coq, chiens & chats de sang seront repeus,
Et de la playe du tyran trouue' mort,
Au lict d'vn autre iambes & bras rompus,
Qui n'avoit peu mourir de cruelle mort.
Durant l'estoille cheuelue apparente,
Les trois grands princes seront faits ennemis:
Frappez du ciel paix terre tremulente,
Pau, Timbre vndans, serpent sur le bort mis.
L'Aigle poussee en tout de pauillons,
Par autres oyseaux d'entour sera chassee:
Quand bruit des cymbres tube & sonnaillons
Rendont le sens de la dame insensee.
Trop du ciel pleure l'Androgin procree,
Pres du ciel sang humain respandu:
Par mort trop tard grand peuple recree,
Tard & tost vient le secours attendu.
Apres gra^d troche humain plus gra^d s'appreste
Le grand moteur les siecles renouuelle:
Pluye sang, laict, famine, fer & peste,
Au ciel veu feu, courant longue estincelle.
L'ennemy grand vieil dueil meurt de poison,
Les souuerains par infinis subiuguez:
Pierres plouvoir, cachez soubs la toison,
Par mort articles en vain sont alleguez.
La grand copie qui passera les monts.
Saturne en l'Arq tournant du poisson Mars:
Venins cachez soubs testes de saumons,
Leurs chief pendu a` fil de polemars.
Les conseilliers du premier monopole.
Les conquerants seduits pour la Melite,
Rode, Bisance pour leurs exposant pole.
Terre faudra les poursuiuans de fuite.
Qua^d ceux d'Hainault, de Ga^d & de Bruxelles,
Verront a` Langres le siege deuant mis:
Derrier leurs flancs seront guerres cruelles
La playe antique fera pis qu'ennemis.
Le sang du iuste a` Londres fera faute,
Bruslez par foudres de vingt trois les six:
La dame antique cherra de place haute,
De mesme secte plusieurs seront occis.
Dans plusieurs nuits la terre tremblera:
Sur le printemps deux effors suite:
Corinthe, Ephese aux deux mers nagera,
Guerre s'esmeut par deux vaillans de luite.
La grande peste de cite' maritime,
Ne cessera que mort ne soit vengee
Du iuste sang par pris damne' sans crime,
De la grand dame par feincte n'outragee.
Pour gent estrange, & Romains loingtaine,
Leur grand cite' apres eaue fort troublee:
Fille sans trop different domaine,
Prins chef, ferreure n'auoir este' riblee.
Dans le conflict le grand qui peut valloit.
A son dernier fera cas merueilleux.
Pendant qu'Hadrie verra ce qu'il falloit,
Dans le banquet pongnale l'orgueilleux.
Que peste & glaiue n'a sceu definer,
Mort dans le puys sommet du ciel frappe':
L'abbe' mourra quand verra ruiner,
Ceux du naufraige l'escueil voulant grapper.
Auant conflict le grand tumbera,
Le grand a` mort, mort, trop subite & plainte,
Nay miparfaict la plus part nagera,
Aupres du fleuue de sang la terre teinte.
Sans pied ne main dend aygue" & forte,
Par glob au fort de port & layne' nay:
Pres du portail desloyal transport,
Silene luit, petit, grand emmene'.
Classe Gauloyse par apuy de grand garde,
Du grand Neptune, & ses tridens souldars.
Rongee Prouence pour soustenir grand bande:
Plus Mars Narbon, par iauelotz & dards.
La foy Punicque en Orient rompue.
Grand Iud, & Rosne Loyre & Tag changeront:
Quand du mulet la faim sera repue,
Classe espargie, sang & corps nageront.
Enge, Tamins, Gironde & la Rochele,
O sang Troyen mort au port de la fleche
Derrier le fleuue au fort mise l'eschele,
Pointes feu grand meurtre sus la bresche.
Mabus plustost alors mourra, viendra,
De gens & bestes vn horrible defaite:
Puis tout a` coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, faim quand courra la comete.
Gaulois, Ausone bien peu subiugera,
Pau, Marne & Seine fera Perme l'vrie:
Qui le grand mur contre eux dressera,
Du moindre au mur le grand perdra la vie.
Secher de faim, de soif, gent Geneuoise,
Espoir prochain viendra au defaillir:
Snr point tremblant sera loy Gebenoise,
Classe au grand port ne se peut accueillir.
Le pare enclin grande calamite',
Par l'Hesperie & Insubre fera:
Le feu en nef peste & captiuite',
Mercure en l'Arc Saturne fenera.
Par grand dangiers le captif eschape',
Peu de temps grand a fortune changee:
Dans le palais le peuple est attrape',
Par bon augure la cite' assiegee.
Le blonde au nez force viendra commettre,
Par la duelle & chassera dehors:
Les exilez dedans fera remettre,
Aux lieux marins commettant les plus fors.
De l'Aquilon les efforts seront grands:
Sus l'Ocean sera la porte ouuerte:
Le regne en l'Isle sera reintegrand,
Tremblera Londres par voille descouuerte.
Le Roy Gaulois par la Celtique dextre,
Voyant discorde de la grand Monarchie:
Sur les trois parts fera florir son sceptre,
Contre la chappe de la grand Hierarchie.
Le dard du ciel fera son estandue,
Morts en parlant grande execution:
La pierre en l'arbre la fiere gent rendue,
Bruit humain monstre purge expiation.
Les exilez en Sicile viendront,
Pour deliure de faim la gent estrange:
Au point du iour les Celtes luy faudront
La vie demeure a` raison: Roy se range.
Armee Celtique en Italie vexee,
De toutes pars conflict & grande perte:
Romains fuis, o^ Gaule repousse'e,
Pres du Thesin Rubicon pugne incerte.
Au lac Fucin de Benac le riuage,
Prins de Leman au port de l'Orgion:
Nay de trois bras predict bellique image,
Par trois couronnes au grand Endymion.
De Sens, d'Autun viendront iusques au Rosne,
Pour passer outre vers les monts Pyrenees:
La gent sortit de la marque d'Anconne,
Par terre & mer suyura a` grands trainees.
La voix ouye de l'insolit oyseau,
Sur le canon du respiral estage:
Si haut viendra du froment le boisteau
Que l'homme d'homme sera Antropophage.
Foudre en Bourgongne fera cas portenteux.
Que par engin oncques ne pourroit faire,
De leur senar sacrist fait boiteux,
Fera sc,avoir aux ennemis l'affaire.
Par arcs, feux, poix & par feux repoussez,
Cris hurlements sur la minuit ouys:
Dedans sont mis par les rampars cassez,
Par cunicules les traditeurs fuys.
Le grand Neptune du profond de la mer,
De gent punique & sang Gaulois mesle':
Les Isles a` sang pour le tardif ramer,
Puis luy nuira que l'occult mal cele'.
La barbe crespe & noire par engin,
Subiuguera la gent cruelle & fiere:
Le grand Chiren ostera du longin.
Tous les captifs par Seline banniere.
Apres conflict du lese' l'eloquence,
Par peu de temps se trame faint repos.
Point l'on n'admet les grands a` deliurance,
Des ennemis sont remis a` propos.
Par feu du ciel la cite' presque aduste,
L'vne menace encor Deucalion,
Vexee Sardaigne par la Punique fuste,
Apres que Libra lairra son Phae"ton.
Par faim la proye fera loup prisonner,
L'assaillant lors en extreme detresse.
Le nay ayant au deuant le dernier,
Le grand n'eschappe au milieu de la presse.
Le gros traffic d'vn grand Lyon change',
La plus part tourne en pristine ruine,
Proye aux soldats par pille vendange':
Par Iura mont & Sueue bruine.
Entre Campaigne, Sienne, Flora, Tustie,
Six mois neuf iours ne pleuura vne goutte:
L'estrange langue en terre Dalmatie,
Couurira sus, vastant la terre toute.
Le vieux plein barbe soubs le statut seuere,
A Lion faict dessus l'Aigle Celtique,
Le petit grand trop outre perseuere,
Bruist d'arme au ciel: mer rouge Ligustique.
Naufrage a` classe pres d'onde Hadriatique,
La terre tremble esmeue" sus l'air en terre mis:
Egypte tremble augment Mahometique,
L'Herault sov rendre a` crier est commis.
Apres viendra des extremes contrees,
Prince Germain, dessus le throsne dore':
La seruitude & eaux rencontrees,
La dame serue, son temps plus n'adore'.
Le circuit du grand faict ruineux,
Le nom septiesme du cinquiesme sera:
D'vn tiers plus grand l'estrange belliqueur:
Mouton, Lutece, Aix ne garantira.
Vn iour seront demis les deux grands maistres,
Leur grand pouuoir se verra augmente':
La terre neuue sera en ses hauts estres,
Au sanguinaire le nombre racompte'.
Par vie & mort change' regne d'Ongrie,
La loy sera plus aspre que seruice:
Leur grand cite' d'hurlemens plaincts & crie,
Castor & Pollux ennemis dans la lice.
Soleil leuant vn grand feu l'on verra,
Bruit & clarte' vers Aquilon tendants:
Dedans le rond mort & cris l'on orra,
Par glaiue, feu faim, mort les attendants.
Feu couleur d'or du ciel en terre veu,
Frappe' du haut nay, faict cas merueilleux.
Grand meurtre humain: prinse du grand le neueu,
Morts d'espactacles eschappe' l'orgueilleux.
Biens pres du Tymbre presse la Lybitine,
Vn peu deuant grand inondation:
Le chef du nef prins, mis a` la sentine,
Chasteau, palais en conflagration.
Grand Paud, grand mal pour Gaulois receura,
Vaine terreur au maritin Lyon:
Peuple infiny par la mer passera,
Sans eschapper vn quart d'vn million:
Les lieux peuplez seront inhabitables:
Pour champs auoir grande diuision:
Regnes liurez a` prudens incapables,
Lors les grands freres mort & dissention.
Flambeau ardant au ciel soir sera veu,
Pres de la fin & principe du Rosne,
Famine, glaiue: tardue secours pourueu,
La Perse tourne enuahir Macedoine.
Romain Pontife garde de t'approcher,
De la cite' qui deux fleuues arrouse,
Ton sang viendra aupres de la cracher
Toy & les tiens quand fleurira la rose.
Celuy de sang reperse le visage,
De la victime proche sacrifiee,
Tonant en Leo, augure par presage,
Mis estre a` mort lors pour la fiancee.
Terroir Romain qu'interpretoit augure,
Par gent Gauloise par trop sera vexee:
Mais nation Celtique craindra l'heure,
Boreas, classe trop loing l'auoit poussee.
Dedans les isles si horrible tumulte,
Bien on n'orra qu'vne bellique brigue,
Tant grand sera de predateurs l'insulte,
Qu'on te viendra ranger a` la grand ligue.
Century II
Towards Aquitaine by the British Isles
By these themselves great incursions.
Rains, frosts will make the soil uneven,
Port Selyn will make mighty invasions
The blue head will inflict upon the white head
As much evil as France has done them good:
Dead at the sail-yard the great one hung on the branch.
When seized by his own the King will say how much.
Because of the solar heat on the sea
From Negrepont the fishes half cooked:
The inhabitants will come to cut them,
When food will fail in Rhodes and Genoa.
From Monaco to near Sicily
The entire coast will remain desolated:
There will remain there no suburb, city or town
Not pillaged and robbed by the Barbarians.
That which is enclosed in iron and letter in a fish,
Out will go one who will then make war,
He will have his fleet well rowed by sea,
Appearing near Latin land.
Near the gates and within two cities
There will be two scourges the like of which was never seen,
Famine within plague, people put out by steel,
Crying to the great immortal God for relief.
Amongst several transported to the isles,
One to be born with two teeth in his mouth
They will die of famine the trees stripped,
For them a new King issues a new edict.
Temples consecrated in the original Roman manner,
They will reject the excess foundations,
Taking their first and humane laws,
Chasing, though not entirely, the cult of saints.
Nine years the lean one will hold the realm in peace,
Then he will fall into a very bloody thirst:
Because of him a great people will die without faith and law
Killed by one far more good-natured.
Before long all will be set in order,
We will expect a very sinister century,
The state of the masked and solitary ones much changed,
Few will be found who want to be in their place.
The nearest son of the elder will attain
Very great height as far as the realm of the privileged:
Everyone will fear his fierce glory,
But his children will be thrown out of the realm.
Eyes closed, opened by antique fantasy,
The garb of the monks they will be put to naught:
The great monarch will chastise their frenzy,
Ravishing the treasure in front of the temples.
The body without soul no longer to be sacrificed:
Day of death put for birthday:
The divine spirit will make the soul happy,
Seeing the word in its eternity.
At Tours, Gien, guarded, eyes will be searching,
Discovering from afar her serene Highness:
She and her suite will enter the port,
Combat, thrust, sovereign power.
Shortly before the monarch is assassinated,
Castor and Pollux in the ship, bearded star:
The public treasure emptied by land and sea,
Pisa, Asti, Ferrara, Turin land under interdict.
Naples, Palermo, Sicily, Syracuse,
New tyrants, celestial lightning fires:
Force from London, Ghent, Brussels and Susa,
Great slaughter, triumph leads to festivities.
The field of the temple of the vestal virgin,
Not far from Elne and the Pyrenees mountains:
The great tube is hidden in the trunk.
To the north rivers overflown and vines battered.
New, impetuous and sudden rain
Will suddenly halt two armies.
Celestial stone, fires make the sea stony,
The death of seven by land and sea sudden.
Newcomers, place built without defense,
Place occupied then uninhabitable:
Meadows, houses, fields, towns to take at pleasure,
Famine, plague, war, extensive land arable.
Brothers and sisters captive in diverse places
Will find themselves passing near the monarch:
Contemplating them his branches attentive,
Displeasing to see the marks on chin, forehead and nose.
The ambassador sent by biremes,
Halfway repelled by unknown ones:
Reinforced with salt four triremes will come,
In Euboea bound with ropes and chains.
The imprudent army of Europe will depart,
Collecting itself near the submerged isle:
The weak fleet will bend the phalanx,
At the navel of the world a greater voice substituted.
Palace birds, chased out by a bird,
Very soon after the prince has arrived:
Although the enemy is repelled beyond the river,
Outside seized the trick upheld by the bird.
Beasts ferocious from hunger will swim across rivers:
The greater part of the region will be against the Hister,
The great one will cause it to be dragged in an iron cage,
When the German child will observe nothing.
The foreign guard will betray the fortress,
Hope and shadow of a higher marriage:
Guard deceived, fort seized in the press,
Loire, Saone, Rhone, Garonne, mortal outrage.
Because of the favor that the city will show
To the great one who will soon lose the field of battle,
Fleeing the Po position, the Ticino will overflow
With blood, fires, deaths, drowned by the long-edged blow.
The divine word will be struck from the sky,
One who cannot proceed any further:
The secret closed up with the revelation,
Such that they will march over and ahead.
The penultimate of the surname of the Prophet
Will take Diana [Thursday] for his day and rest:
He will wander far because of a frantic head,
And delivering a great people from subjection.
The Easterner will leave his seat,
To pass the Apennine mountains to see Gaul:
He will transpire the sky, the waters and the snow,
And everyone will be struck with his rod.
One who the infernal gods of Hannibal
Will cause to be reborn, terror of mankind
Never more horror nor worse of days
In the past than will come to the Romans through Babel.
In Campania the Capuan [river] will do so much
That one will see only fields covered by waters:
Before and after the long rain
One will see nothing green except the trees.
Milk, frog's blood prepared in Dalmatia.
Conflict given, plague near Treglia:
A great cry will sound through all Slavonia,
Then a monster will be born near and within Ravenna.
Through the torrent which descends from Verona
Its entry will then be guided to the Po,
A great wreck, and no less in the Garonne,
When those of Genoa march against their country.
The senseless ire of the furious combat
Will cause steel to be flashed at the table by brothers:
To part them death, wound, and curiously,
The proud duel will come to harm France.
The fire by night will take hold in two lodgings,
Several within suffocated and roasted.
It will happen near two rivers as one:
Sun, Sagittarius and Capricorn all will be reduced.
The letters of the great Prophet will be seized,
They will come to fall into the hands of the tyrant:
His enterprise will be to deceive his King,
But his extortions will very soon trouble him.
Of that great number that one will send
To relieve those besieged in the fort,
Plague and famine will devour them all,
Except seventy who will be destroyed.
A great number will be condemned
When the monarchs will be reconciled:
But for one of them such a bad impediment will arise
That they will be joined together but loosely.
One year before the Italian conflict,
Germans, Gauls, Spaniards for the fort:
The republican schoolhouse will fall,
There, except for a few, they will be choked dead.
Shortly afterwards, without a very long interval,
By sea and land a great uproar will be raised:
Naval battle will be very much greater,
Fires, animals, those who will cause greater insult.
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will cause two suns to appear:
The big mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff will change country.
Cock, dogs and cats will be satiated with blood
And from the wound of the tyrant found dead,
At the bed of another legs and arms broken,
He who was not afraid to die a cruel death.
During the appearance of the bearded star.
The three great princes will be made enemies:
Struck from the sky, peace earth quaking,
Po, Tiber overflowing, serpent placed upon the shore.
The Eagle driven back around the tents
Will be chased from there by other birds:
When the noise of cymbals, trumpets and bells
Will restore the senses of the senseless lady.
Too much the heavens weep for the Androgyne begotten,
Near the heavens human blood shed:
Because of death too late a great people re-created,
Late and soon the awaited relief comes.
After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared
The Great Mover renews the ages:
Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
Is the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.
The great old enemy mourning dies of poison,
The sovereigns subjugated in infinite numbers:
Stones raining, hidden under the fleece,
Through death articles are cited in vain.
The great force which will pass the mountains.
Saturn in Sagittarius Mars turning from the fish:
Poison hidden under the heads of salmon,
Their war-chief hung with cord.
The advisers of the first monopoly,
The conquerors seduced for Malta:
Rhodes, Byzantium for them exposing their pole:
Land will fail the pursuers in flight.
When those of Hainault, of Ghent and of Brussels
Will see the siege laid before Langres:
Behind their flanks there will be cruel wars,
The ancient wound will do worse than enemies.
The blood of the just will commit a fault at London,
Burnt through lightning of twenty threes the six:
The ancient lady will fall from her high place,
Several of the same sect will be killed.
For several nights the earth will tremble:
In the spring two efforts in succession:
Corinth, Ephesus will swim in the two seas:
War stirred up by two valiant in combat.
The great plague of the maritime city
Will not cease until there be avenged the death
Of the just blood, condemned for a price without crime,
Of the great lady outraged by pretense.
Because of people strange, and distant from the Romans
Their great city much troubled after water:
Daughter handless, domain too different,
Chief taken, lock not having been picked.
In the conflict the great one who was worth little
At his end will perform a marvelous deed:
While Adria will see what he was lacking,
During the banquet the proud one stabbed.
One whom neither plague nor steel knew how to finish,
Death on the summit of the hills struck from the sky:
The abbot will die when he will see ruined
Those of the wreck wishing to seize the rock.
Before the conflict the great wall will fall,
The great one to death, death too sudden and lamented,
Born imperfect: the greater part will swim:
Near the river the land stained with blood.
With neither foot nor hand because of sharp and strong tooth
Through the crowd to the fort of the pork and the elder born:
Near the portal treacherous proceeds,
Moon shining, little great one led off.
Gallic fleet through support of the great guard
Of the great Neptune, and his trident soldiers,
Provence reddened to sustain a great band:
More at Narbonne, because of javelins and darts.
The Punic faith broken in the East,
Ganges, Jordan, and Rhone, Loire, and Tagus will change:
When the hunger of the mule will be satiated,
Fleet sprinkles, blood and bodies will swim.
Bravo, ye of Tamins, Gironde and La Rochelle:
O Trojan blood! Mars at the port of the arrow
Behind the river the ladder put to the fort,
Points to fire great murder on the breach.
Mabus then will soon die, there will come
Of people and beasts a horrible rout:
Then suddenly one will see vengeance,
Hundred, hand, thirst, hunger when the comet will run.
The Gauls Ausonia will subjugate very little,
Po, Marne and Seine Parma will make drunk:
He who will prepare the great wall against them,
He will lose his life from the least at the wall.
The people of Geneva drying up with hunger, with thirst,
Hope at hand will come to fail:
On the point of trembling will be the law of him of the Cevennes,
Fleet at the great port cannot be received.
The sloping park great calamity
To be done through Hesperia and Insubria:
The fire in the ship, plague and captivity,
Mercury in Sagittarius Saturn will fade.
Through great dangers the captive escaped:
In a short time great his fortune changed.
In the palace the people are trapped,
Through good omen the city besieged.
The blond one will come to compromise the fork-nosed one
Through the duel and will chase him out:
The exiles within he will have restored,
Committing the strongest to the marine places.
The efforts of Aquilon will be great:
The gate on the Ocean will be opened,
The kingdom on the Isle will be restored:
London will tremble discovered by sail.
The Gallic King through his Celtic right arm
Seeing the discord of the great Monarchy:
He will cause his scepter to flourish over the three parts,
Against the cope of the great Hierarchy.
The dart from the sky will make its extension,
Deaths speaking: great execution.
The stone in the tree, the proud nation restored,
Noise, human monster, purge expiation.
The exiles will come into Sicily
To deliver form hunger the strange nation:
At daybreak the Celts will fail them:
Life remains by reason: the King joins.
Celtic army vexed in Italy
On all sides conflict and great loss:
Romans fled, O Gaul repelled!
Near the Ticino, Rubicon uncertain battle.
The shore of Lake Garda to Lake Fucino,
Taken from the Lake of Geneva to the port of L'Orguion:
Born with three arms the predicted warlike image,
Through three crowns to the great Endymion.
From Sens, from Autun they will come as far as the Rhone
To pass beyond towards the Pyrenees mountains:
The nation to leave the March of Ancona:
By land and sea it will be followed by great suites.
The voice of the rare bird heard,
On the pipe of the air-vent floor:
So high will the bushel of wheat rise,
That man will be eating his fellow man.
Lightning in Burgundy will perform a portentous deed,
One which could never have been done by skill,
Sexton made lame by their senate
Will make the affair known to the enemies.
Hurled back through bows, fires, pitch and by fires:
Cries, howls heard at midnight:
Within they are place on the broken ramparts,
The traitors fled by the underground passages.
The great Neptune of the deep of the sea
With Punic race and Gallic blood mixed.
The Isles bled, because of the tardy rowing:
More harm will it do him than the ill-concealed secret.
The beard frizzled and black through skill
Will subjugate the cruel and proud people:
The great Chyren will remove from far away
All those captured by the banner of Selin
After the conflict by the eloquence of the wounded one
For a short time a soft rest is contrived:
The great ones are not to be allowed deliverance at all:
They are restored by the enemies at the proper time.
Through fire from the sky the city almost burned:
The Urn threatens Deucalion again:
Sardinia vexed by the Punic foist,
After Libra will leave her Phaethon.
Through hunger the prey will make the wolf prisoner,
The aggressor then in extreme distress.
The heir having the last one before him,
The great one does not escape in the middle of the crowd.
The large trade of a great Lyons changed,
The greater part turns to pristine ruin
Prey to the soldiers swept away by pillage:
Through the Jura mountain and Suevia drizzle.
Between Campania, Siena, Florence, Tuscany,
Six months nine days without a drop of rain:
The strange tongue in the Dalmatian land,
It will overrun, devastating the entire land.
The old full beard under the severe statute
Made at Lyon over the Celtic Eagle:
The little great one perseveres too far:
Noise of arms in the sky: Ligurian sea red.
Wreck for the fleet near the Adriatic Sea:
The land trembles stirred up upon the air placed on land:
Egypt trembles Mahometan increase,
The Herald surrendering himself is appointed to cry out.
After there will come from the outermost countries
A German Prince, upon the golden throne:
The servitude and waters met,
The lady serves, her time no longer adored.
The circuit of the great ruinous deed,
The seventh name of the fifth will be:
Of a third greater the stranger warlike:
Sheep, Paris, Aix will not guarantee.
One day the two great masters will be friends,
Their great power will be seen increased:
The new land will be at its high peak,
To the bloody one the number recounted.
Though life and death the realm of Hungary changed:
The law will be more harsh than service:
Their great city cries out with howls and laments,
Castor and Pollux enemies in the arena.
At sunrise one will see a great fire,
Noise and light extending towards Aquilon:
Within the circle death and one will hear cries,
Through steel, fire, famine, death awaiting them.
Fire color of gold from the sky seen on earth:
Heir struck from on high, marvelous deed done:
Great human murder: the nephew of the great one taken,
Deaths spectacular the proud one escaped.
Very near the Tiber presses Death:
Shortly before great inundation:
The chief of the ship taken, thrown into the bilge:
Castle, palace in conflagration.
Great Po, great evil will be received through Gauls,
Vain terror to the maritime Lion:
People will pass by the sea in infinite numbers,
Without a quarter of a million escaping.
The populous places will be uninhabitable:
Great discord to obtain fields:
Realms delivered to prudent incapable ones:
Then for the great brothers dissension and death.
Burning torch will be seen in the sky at night
Near the end and beginning of the Rhone:
Famine, steel: the relief provided late,
Persia turns to invade Macedonia.
Roman Pontiff beware of approaching
The city that two rivers flow through,
Near there your blood will come to spurt,
You and yours when the rose will flourish.
The one whose face is splattered with the blood
Of the victim nearly sacrificed:
Jupiter in Leon, omen through presage:
To be put to death then for the bride.
Roman land as the omen interpreted
Will be vexed too much by the Gallic people:
But the Celtic nation will fear the hour,
The fleet has been pushed too far by the north wind.
Within the isles a very horrible uproar,
One will hear only a party of war,
So great will be the insult of the plunderers
That they will come to be joined in the great league.