Commander’s Comments
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the individuals that helped out with our Annual Picnic. It was a huge success! For those that were not able to attend, you missed a great time. This year we had over thirty children attend. The Junior Girls from 1031 assisted us with games and I would like to thank them for their assistance. Please take a look at our upcoming events and mark your calendar.
Our Post is continuing to move along. Recently we added the patio on the back and continue to look at ways that we may improve our Post. If you have an idea or an opportunity to volunteer any time what so ever, please call and leave your name so we may contact you in the future.
VFW Year starts July 1st 2004. If you haven’t paid your dues, now is the time to renew for the coming year. Since last year our roster has increased, We still need to look for new members. Please check within your own family or with friends that might have family members eligible to join. Let’s bring them in & promote the VFW.
“Last But Not Least,” VFW is a Veterans Organization. Let’s look beyond our own beliefs and support the VFW cause. Part of that is through your participation, we need everyone’s participation to help us out. We have really accomplished so much in a short time frame, but let’s continue to build on what we have accomplished!
Paul Fultz
Kathy's Catering
“President’s Corner”
Hello Auxiliary Sisters,
Well we sure have been busy these last couple of months. So far I have attended Department Convention, Department and District C of A, Veterans Day opening at the Clark Co. Fair, National Home in Eaton, Rapids, Michigan and National Convention. Coming home just in time for our Post & Auxiliary Picnic. I would like to Thank Richard & Janet Armatrout for the wonderful job they did with the children. And boy did we have children approx. 40.
SEPTEMBER 1ST. - 3RD. will be our Auxiliary’s annual rummage and bake sale. We need baked goods and items for our sale. Also if you can donate a few hours to help us it would be greatly appreciated. If you have baked goods or items to donate and can’t get them to us give me a call (Kathy) 322-3682, and I will try to pick them up.
SEPTEMBER 3rd. is our Auxiliary dinner; it will be meatloaf and all the trimmings including coffee and dessert.
SEPTEMBER 4th. Our 2nd annual LUAU, starting at 5:00 p.m. till? featuring Food , Lei’s, Limbo contest, $!.00 Margarita’s & Blue Hawaii’s. And Lots of Fun. If you didn’t make it last year, you missed out on a great time. If you did attend last year I’m sure we’ll see you again!
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Klosterman Bakery
Springfield OH