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Petting Zoo Six
This page contains the End Game Report for Bungy's "Petting Zoo Six - Wheel of Misfortune" empire game.
Page Last Updated:11pm 27JUN2007
   PZ6 was won by RimFire/IndustMech/SonOfASheep/Wales/beep.

Here are the final standings:

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Sat May 19 00:00:01 2007

         sects  eff civ  mil  shell gun pet  iron dust oil  pln ship unit money
IndustMec 226   89% 119K  15K 9.4K 877   14K  16K 1.1K 5.1K 312  132  121   70K 29897.24
     beep 185   94% 115K  14K 8.4K 1.6K  23K  28K 926  6.5K 200  111  122   21K 26933.41
SonOfAShe 225   76% 110K 4.8K 3.9K 558   13K  16K 1.6K 5.4K 365  104   42   65K 23162.99
  RimFire 210   85% 103K  17K 4.8K 618  2.9K  27K 382  1.9K 158   63   65  356  21287.76
    Wales 137   89%  74K  12K 5.5K 451  7.9K  10K 870  926   94   64   47   16K 14600.23
WannaVhit  53   93%  28K 3.3K 924  247  2.5K 3.6K 839  539   53   70   35  4.5K  6576.24
WeAreYour  32   74%  14K 9.0K 677  265  1.5K 3.2K 883  537   22   69   26   85K  5166.96
Turk_Ling   7  100% 4.3K 667   89   18  143  2.1K 510   70    1    9    2  126K  2092.78
  Drakona   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   49K   487.28
Kalimdor   0    0%   0   46   16    3    0    0    0    0    0    2    0   12K   151.26
pretty_po   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0   13K   128.69
dr_j_ston   0    0%   0   81    2    5    0    0    0    0    0    4    0 -2.0K    34.04
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 1.1K  86% 567K  76K  34K 4.7K  66K 106K 7.1K  21K 1.2K 628  460  460K

Sat May 19 00:00:02 2007
#    name                tech      research   education   happiness capital
1     beep             197.89      193.23       19.52       10.57   -66,-20
2     pretty_pony      115.65       77.69        0.59        0.80    71,-45
3     SonOfASheep      174.94       77.69       15.88        0.03   -13,35
4     dr_j_stone       152.76       94.89        2.57       15.32   -68,2
5     Drakona           84.95       77.69        0.01        0.01    36,-16
6     IndustMech       193.49      137.66       20.68        0.01    42,30
7     Kalimdor         121.75       93.77        0.46        6.44    17,7
8     RimFire          185.61       98.29       17.15        7.26   -39,-39
9     WannaVhite       186.74      146.38       14.84       13.22    12,-22
10    Turk_Lingel      163.98       80.81        4.12        1.09   -11,-17
11    Wales            195.49       96.96       23.23       15.41   -64,32
12    WeAreYourFrien   179.16       77.69       10.87        0.01    64,6
32    Terminator        50.00       50.00        0.05        0.18     0,2
Here's how the MAP changed during the game:
The power chart was shared by many:
Tech Leaders came and went:
beep dominated the Tech curve throughout PZ6.
beep dominated the Research curve throughout PZ6.
The power charts were shared by many but pwned by few.
Education: too much of a good thing is not good.
PZ6 happiness was found mostly in the bottom of the deities empty bottles.
Update by Update maps and charts (zipped)
PZ6 News (zipped)