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        Empire Name: Rashalag Republic (Faction Leader)
        Emperor's Name: Hannibal Barca
        2nd in command (if any):
        Main Empire Goal:
        Main Concentration:
        Brief Discription:


        Empire Name: Uru state 
        Emperor's Name: Uru 
        2nd in command (if any): Goodman/Major Payne and Zaj/Iori Michungan my military commanders
        Main Empire Goal: To make a lot of money, to help others, and to reseach and build cool equipment
        Main Concentration: Economy, definitley. Research and Defense are important too.
        Brief Discription: A country with a very turbulent history. It was founded in June 2002. In October of that year it 
        was attacked by No Mercy, who mercilessly slaughtered an entire battalion of builder infantry, captured Uru State's 
        major cities, and destroyed it's only mechs. No Mercy was destroyed by The Kintarian Legion, who allowed Uru State 
        to retake its former territory. After a long period of peace, Uru State conquered its experimental outpost,Uru O
        utpost, forming two large sectors. On Easter sunday 2003, Uru State and the other high-level members of Carthage 
        were attacked by CRC. Silent PS dropped into the Uru Outpost sector of Uru State and almost captured C City. Uru 
        convinced their leader to stop attacking during the battle at C City. However, military losses were high and 
        included Uru State's best troops and original emporer. Shortly afterwards, Dera Bugti attacked and took C City. 
        Silent PS, who still had outposts in Uru's territory, forced them into giving up C City, but unfortunatley The 
        Concordat Cuirassiers and Thumbland attacked Dera Bugti at C City before they could relinquish the city. The 
        Concordat Cuirassiers, who have control of C City, have not responded to negotiations. Uru State is currently 
        rebuilding it's decimated military and economy slowly but surely.


        Empire Name: Ryppers Inc.  
        Emperor's Name: 
        2nd in command (if any):
        Main Empire Goal:
        Main Concentration:
        Brief Discription:


        Empire Name: Clan Cloud Cobra (Crusaders)
        Emperor's Name: Khan Ekayi Frocai
        2nd in command (if any): 
        Main Empire Goal: To develop a strong HQ here on Neveron 
        Main Concentration: Military
        Brief Discription: This is a Clan empire which escaped from clan space 
        in response to the faliures of the clan invasion in known space.

            Through the mists of Arcadia a weakened serpent slithers into its den 
           and slithers out in two forms, the complete and the incomplete. Through 
           the smoke of time, one side slithers back to the den and returns to the 
           hunt with regained strength.
           - The Remembrance (Clan Cloud Cobra (Crusaders)) Passage 1712, Verse 17, Lines 13-28 

        Empire Name: The Piper  
        Emperor's Name: 
        2nd in command (if any):
        Main Empire Goal:
        Main Concentration:
        Brief Discription:

        Empire Name: The Papaya Republic   
        Emperor's Name: Michael
        2nd in command (if any): None
        Main Empire Goal: To research something worth producing
        Main Concentration: Economy
        Brief Discription: None           


        Empire Name: Inner-Sphere   
        Emperor's Name: 
        2nd in command (if any):
        Main Empire Goal:
        Main Concentration:
        Brief Discription:  

        Empire Name: The Piper   
        Emperor's Name: 
        2nd in command (if any):
        Main Empire Goal:
        Main Concentration:
        Brief Discription:                 


        Empire Name: Shangrai   
        Emperor's Name: 
        2nd in command (if any):
        Main Empire Goal:
        Main Concentration:
        Brief Discription:

        Empire Name: Marauder Masters  
        Emperor's Name: Emperor
        2nd in command (if any): Theif
        Main Empire Goal: To research and MASS produce assault vehicles
        Main Concentration: Research and Technology
        Brief Discription: An empire created for the mere purpose of profit, we now aim to supply neveron with a 
        large amount of arms.     

        Empire Name: Burning Crows   
        Emperor's Name: 
        2nd in command (if any):
        Main Empire Goal:
        Main Concentration:
        Brief Discription: 

        Empire Name: Mayoramesta   
        Emperor's Name: 
        2nd in command (if any):
        Main Empire Goal:
        Main Concentration:
        Brief Discription: 

        Empire Name: Marian Republic  
        Emperor's Name: *unknown* call sign Snowman
        2nd in command (if any): N/A
        Main Empire Goal: Armor, Munitions, Weapons    
        Main Concentration: Balanced Research and     
        Brief Discription:The Marian Republic utalizes a Roman standard of military organization
 grouping its combat elements into cohorts. While Carthage can easily be seen as an enemy 
of the state, the search of other empires which share the ancient understanding and beliefs
 led the Republic to join with no loss in pride. Aiming to aid her faction 
members in any way possible, the Marian Republic sees a bight future for all her sister empires.               

Empire Name: Valhala's Thirteenth Hall Emperor's Name: 2nd in command (if any): Main Empire Goal: Main Concentration: Brief Discription: