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AI Index: ASA 31/018/2003
UA 138/03
16 May, 2003
Status: Active

Deepak Laya Magar (m)
Ram Kumar Karki (m)
Jairam Bhandari (m)
Ram Chandra Giri, (m) lawyer
Fear of safety / Torture / Intimidation

Prisoners, Deepak Laya Magar, Ram Kumar Karki and Jairam Bhandari are currently being held at Hanumandhoka district police station, Kathmandu. It is feared that they may be subjected to further torture over the current holiday weekend, when lawyers are generally not allowed to visit prisoners at the police station.

Deepak Laya Magar, who had been arrested for attempted murder, Ram Kumar Karki and Jairam Bhandari, who had been arrested for theft, were severely tortured at Hanumandhoka district police station. Lawyers from Advocacy Forum recently visited the prisoners and noted that they were in need of medical treatment. The lawyers lodged a complaint in Kathmandu district court seeking an order for the prisoners to be taken to hospital. It has recently become more common for the police to refuse to take detainees to hospital without such an order.

On 15 May, when Ram Chandra Giri, who is a lawyer from Advocacy Forum went to Hanumandhoka police station with the court order, a sub-inspector named Resham Parajuli called the three prisoners into his office. Resham Parajuli reportedly accused the prisoners of lying to the lawyer before reportedly punching Deepak Laya Magar twice on the shoulder with a heavy blow. The sub-inspector also blamed lawyers for providing protection for criminals, whom he said deserved to be tortured. He added that criminals were not severely tortured as they were lucky that Nepal respected human rights.

[Sub-Inspector] Resham Parajuli reportedly blamed Advocacy Forum for providing legal aid and medical services to criminals. He also intimidated Ram Chandra Giri and told him that he could report the assault on Deepak Laya Magar to "wherever you want".

The prisoners were finally taken to hospital whilst accompanied by a lawyer from Advocacy Forum late on 15 May. Before they went, another Assistant Sub-Inspector who was in charge of the documentation to take the prisoners to hospital, threatened them that once they returned, they would get what he referred to as "the treatment".

Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in English or your own language:

PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 27 June 2003


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