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AI Index: ASA 31/014/2002 and ASA 31/008/2003
UA 38/02
6 February, 2002
Status: Active
Latest Update: 24 April, 2003

Janak Prasad Adhikari (m), Accountant, aged 39
Fear of torture/Fear for safety

Janak Prasad Adhikari did not return home from his office in Lalitpur district, Kathmandu, on 1 January 2002. There are fears that he has been arrested and is being held in incommunicado detention where he may be subjected to torture or ill-treatment. His current whereabouts are unknown, though he is believed to be held by the army at an undisclosed location.

Janak Prasad Adhikari, originally from Nuwakot district, Central Region, currently works as an accountant in the office of the River Control Section, Irrigation Department, in Lalitpur, Kathmandu. He had telephoned his family from the office at 1.30pm on 1 January, but failed to return home, after the office closed later that day. On 2 January police officers reportedly searched his home and took away citizenship cards, books and other documents belonging to the family.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) have been informed about the alleged arrest of Janak Prasad Adhikari. According to reports, when representatives of the NHRC asked the authorities about his case, they were told that he had not been arrested and that security forces personnel were "looking for him".

It is believed that Janak Prasad Adhikari may have been detained on suspicion of being a supporter or sympathizer of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist).

Update: 30 Oct. 2002

Janak Prasad Adhikari is believed to be in police custody. There has been no official clarification of his whereabouts.

Update: 24 Jan. 2003

Janak Prasad Adhikari was reportedly rearrested by police today as he left Nuwakot district jail, Central Region following a Supreme Court order for his release. He was seen being taken away in a vehicle belonging to the district education office. There are unconfirmed reports that he may have been taken to the Nuwakot district police office.

Janak Prasad Adhikari, from Thangsing Village Development Committee, Nuwakot district, was first arrested on 1 January 2002. He had been working as an accountant in the office of the River Control Section, Irrigation Department, in Lalitpur district. When he did not return home from his office on the evening of 1 January 2002, his relatives concluded that he had been arrested. This suspicion was corroborated the following day when police officers searched his family home and took away citizenship cards, books and other documents. Janak Prasad Adhikari was later transferred to Nuwakot district jail.

On 21 November 2002, Janak Prasad Adhikari was allegedly released by order issued from the office of the Chief District Officer (CDO) in Nuwakot. On 25 November 2002, reports indicate he was again issued with a detention order and rearrested. Following hearings into a habeas corpus petition (requiring him to be brought before a court or judge) lodged on his behalf, on 20 January 2003 the Supreme Court ordered his release. However, on 24 January, when he was released from Nuwakot district jail, he was reportedly immediately rearrested outside the jail premises.

The reasons for the repeated arrests of Janak Prasad Adhikari are not known. It is believed that he may have been detained on suspicion of being a supporter or sympathizer of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist).

Update: 24 April, 2003

As of 24 April, 2003 Amnesty International has not been able to acquire any further information about the whereabouts or condition of JP Adhikari.

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