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AI Index: ASA 31/010/2003
UA 37/03
7 February, 2003
Status: Active
Latest Update: 24 April, 2003

Pushpa Raj Kadariya (m), age 45, farmer
Fear of torture/fear for safety

Pushpa Raj Kadariya was reportedly arrested by army personnel while on his way home in Ramechhap district on 30 January. Witnesses reported that he was beaten severely on arrest. Amnesty International is concerned that he may be subjected to further torture and ill-treatment in detention.

It is believed that Pushpa Raj Kadariya, a resident of Khimti Village Development Committee, Ramechhap district, was arrested because of his suspected links with the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN) (Maoist). He has reportedly been taken to the Kirnetar army barracks in Ramechhap district where he is being held incommunicado. Pushpa Raj Kadariya's relatives have asked to see him in detention but have been denied by the army authorities. They have also met with the Chief District Officer (CDO) to ask why he had been arrested the day after a cease-fire was declared by the government and the CPN (Maoist) on 29 January. The CDO replied that he had been arrested prior to the declaration of the cease-fire. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) was also informed about the arrest.

24 April, 2003

Pushpa Raj Kadariya is reported to have been transferred to Dolakha district jail in February, 2003

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