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AI Index: ASA 31/015/2002
UA 44/02
12 February, 2002
Status: Active
Latest Update: 24 April, 2003

Surya Prasad Sharma (m)
Fear for Safety/Possible "disappearance"/
Fear of Torture/ Possible Extrajudicial Execution

There are concerns for the safety of Surya Prasad Sharma who had been held incommunicado detention for ten days at an army barrack of Kalidal Gulma in the Baglung district. His relatives were reportedly told on 23 January by army personnel at the camp, that Surya Prasad Sharma had escaped. There have been no traces of Surya Prased Sharma. It is feared that he might have been severely tortured or killed in custody.

Surya Prasad Sharma returned home on 13 January after living underground for five years as a supporter of the Communist Party of Nepal (CPN)(Maoist). He reportedly intended to surrender to the authorities, and had approached members of mainstream political parties to assist him. He had reportedly prepared an application for his surrender and intended to hand it over to the office of the Chief District Officer in Baglung on 14 January.

At 5 o'clock in the morning on 14 January three army personnel in uniform came to Surya Prasad Sharma's house at Srinagar Tole, Kalika, Baglung district. They searched the house for ammunition, but did not find anything. They then arrested him and took him to the Kalidal Gulma army barrack for questioning.

His wife tried to visit him on several occasions but was not allowed to see him. She was also not allowed to give him any clothing or food. On 22 January, a private source informed the family that Surya Prasad Sharma had unsuccessfully tried to escape from custody earlier that day and was therefore being severely beaten. This information was corroborated by another private source.

When relatives visited the army camp on 23 January, one of the army personnel told them that Surya Prasad Sharma had escaped on 21 January while he was being taken to Amalachour village, in order to show a Maoist hide-out. The soldier claimed that Surya Prasad Sharma had jumped in the Kaligandaki river on the way back to the army barrack. There is serious concern about his safety given that the army is saying that he has escaped from custody while other sources say he is in the army camp.

Update: 30 Oct. 2002

Surya Prasad Sharma is believed to have been killed in custody. Without official confirmation, the case remains one of "disappeared".

Update: 30 Oct. 2002

Surya Prasad Sharma is believed to have been killed in custody. Without official confirmation, the case remains one of "disappeared", more than fifteen months after his arrest. No word of any investigation into the matter by the authorities has been received.

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