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Tired of the CE clan pushing you around?  Wish that someone could stand up to their cheap tactics?  Well, look no further than xCE, the group committed to holding them in check.  The xCE is not a clan per se, we don't hold matches, we don't give out ranks, we don't have clan leaders.  All we ask is that you make your name xCE_YourName as show of defiance to their lame ass rules.  It doesn't matter if you are the best player on the net or the newest newbie, show your support by not supporting the Crimson Empire


Update!!!  the evil Crimson Empire may have had something to do with us temporarily losing our .TK host.  can you see to what ends they will go to?  To try and take down our site is incredible.  Help us fight this tyranny.  We won't leave it alone now, CE boys.
