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The Sorting Hat Registration Office
LOCATION: Sorting Hat Registration Office Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardy Home


This is the Sorting Hat where you can sign up for HSWW. You must have a proper name, first names or surnames of characters from Harry Potter are not aloud. You may not be Harry Potter or Sam potter, however, you may be Harry Sam. You may be Legolas Greenleaf, but not Hermione Granger. This is not a Harry Potter fansite. You must have a first and last name, no middle. Children (Under the age of 12) are not allowed in HSWW as sometimes real witchcraft does take place and lessons can sometimes be very gross, such as discussions/dealing with blood. This website is rated PG-13 on the verge of R. Once you register by filling out the form, you should appear in the Owlery and recieve an acceptance e-mail. If you do not recieve an acceptance e-mail within one week, you were rejected for some reason. Deadline is August 30th.

 Please read the instructions for valid names (right above this form)
 Your Email-Address must be valid!
How would you describe yourself most?:  
Which book appeals to you the most?:  
What species are you spiritually?:  
Which house do you want to be in?:  
Your little sister who you hate, your big brother who you absolutely love, your parents, and you are stuck in a burning building, who do you want to live?:
What is your favorite color?:
The world is coming to an end by war and weapons from China, where does thou retreat?:
Which classes do you want to take (Minimum of 3, reccomended 5):  
Why do you think you should be in the house you chose?  
Tell me about yourself:  
Are you:  
Who referred you?
Who referred you?
The Entrance Hall