Ironing Board Derby, or IBD, is, quite simply, the most fun you can have with an ironing board.
The idea is to use an ironing board as the base for a cart, which is used to ride down a hill.
The Contest starts with teams of 4, who plan, design, and build their own car from scratch; like a soapbox
Teams are picked randomly out of a hat. A team captain is designated. The captain must keep his cellphone
with him at all times until the race. There are no restrictions on what materials to use, however a price limit may be
enforced if it is expected that it would be too easy with no price limit.
Teams start working on their designs, and go out to buy the stuff they need. However, there is one stipulation:
Only one car can be used at a time, so teams must stay together when shopping, or remain with the ibd vehicle.
Teams can use any form of transportation for the ibd racer they wish, provided it remains on the ground,
and is not motorized, or powered by anything except gravity [see rules for complete restrictions].
At the end of the day, at a time determined ahead of time, the teams will meet (whether they are done or not)
and race. Teams may race in heats, or as one large race. A point system is used to determine the leaders.
A video camera is used for determining photo finishes. After all the heats/races, the winner is determined, and
the team's theme song is played on the audio system. Then the Award Ceremony, blah, blah, get the idea.