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South Florida Nature Trails
Naples and Sanibel Island

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

Into Swamp
Into Swamp


Soon the Trail begins to lead you into the Pond Cypress Swamp. If you stop and look up, you get a feeling of being engulfed by the surrounding tall trees.

Pond Cypress Swamp
Pond Cypress Swamp


Pond Cypress Swamp
Pond Cypress Swamp


Here we can see the lush foliage and wet environment of the swamp. Air Plant are in almost every tree. The murky waters of the swamp are nutrient rich.


Cypress Knees
Cypress Knees


The Cypress knees are the roots of the Cypress trees. They rise above the water to get oxygen. The water level of the swamp actually determines the root height. Strap Ferns are seen growing on top of the roots.

Air Plant
Air Plant
(Tillandsia sp.)

Old Man's Beard Lichen
Old Man's Beard Lichen
(Usnea strigosa)

Many different kinds of Air Plants, Mosses, and Lichens cover the trees in a Swamp. They provide cover for small animals and insects. They derive all the nutrients they need from falling rain water and do not hurt to host tree.


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