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South Florida Nature Trails
Naples and Sanibel Island

Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

Bald Cypress Strand
Bald Cypress Strand


Next, the trail weaves into the Bald Cypress Strand. The vegetation in this area in denser. The swamp waters are also deeper.



The Bald Cypress is bigger and darker than the Pond Cypress. The Bald Cypress in Corksrew are about 500 years old ! Some reach heights of 130 feet.



Bald Cypress Trunk
Bald Cypress Trunk
(Taxodium distichum)


Broad-Leaved Arrowhead
Broad-Leaved Arrowhead
(Sagittaria lancifolia)


The Arrowhead aquatic plant can be found all over the swamp. Insects are usually seen hoovering around the bright flowers.



The Alligator Flag aquatic plant grows in deeper swamp waters. It gets its name due to the fact that Alligators also prefer deeper waters !


Alligator Flag
Alligator Flag
(Thalia geniculata)


Dead Tree
Dead Tree


Dead trees like this one remain standing for many years. They provides cover for birds, squirrels, insects, and other small animals.

Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron
(Nyctanassa violacea)

Great Egret
Great Egret
(Ardea alba)

Here are a couple birds I caught on film before they flew away. Many birds can be seen in the sanctuary. Corkscrew is famous for the Wood Storks that nest in the trees in Winter.


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