Realm Links:
1. CFS2-Cities-V3.exe Scenery File: Download 276kb
- Install CITIES and follow the Install Wizard's directions.
- 3 CITIES in Airfield List:
- Hilo, Hawaii
- Oppland, Norway
- Paris, France
- Select the City in the airfield list!
- The airport refuels you when you land!
- Im currently building a few cities around the world for this download!
2. Download page: SHIPYARDS 3.0 Multiplayer Carrier and Helipad Landing Mission with weather option! (a must have for multiswap)
3. Download page: COMPLETE Camoflauged BELL 206B Jetranger with CFS2 GPS!
4. Download Page: Hemlos's BETA Section (Aircraft, and other stuff)
5.CFS2-Text-Scroller.zipCFS2 Text Scroller...this small program turns on text scrolling in the cfs2.cfg (written by Hemlos)
6.TexGenA Texture Generator - Freeware..capable of making millions of textures to spec. (written by Hemlos)