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Draggahaus Home

Oana von Draggahaus

Mom, Ellie's Page Dad, Wiso's Page

Contact Heather Haggard


There are a bunch of pictures on this page, so it will take a little while to download. Links to her littermates are at the bottom of the page.

(8/9/0313) weeks old

11 weeks old

10 weeks old

7 weeks old

6 weeks old

Imprinting your pup for Agility can start very young. Don't have the pup jump big jumps. Start with very low jumps, just a couple of inches, you are really teaching the comands. Also with the teeter, and dog walk, start with the "yellow" area. Don't start any major jumping to young, you can cause joint problems. Oana has a great deal of fun and so did I. This gives us bonding time, while she is learning.

~~Ellie and Wiso "O" Litter~~


Click on the highlighted names below each picture. I will update pictures as the pups new owners send them to me.