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Draggahaus Home

***Elsa von Draggahaus

page updated on 7/28/05

10 Weeks old

8 Weeks old

Print out a copy of the Puppy Aptitude Test and score your pup.Volhard Temperment Test

These are the temperment test results.(1)~5,(2)~2(3)~5(4)~3(5)~3(6)~4(7)~1,(8)~6,(9)~1,(10)~ good.

This pup scored MOSTLY,1's 3's and 5's on her test. .


Below are all the links to our little girls litter mates. We do update pictures as we get them in from thier new owners. Enjoy.~Heather


Our girls parents Oxana and Brando

Mom, Oxana's Page Dad, Brando's Page

You are visitor since 07/07/05