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Draggahaus Home

***Callie von Draggahaus***

Mom, Zena's Page Dad, Odin's Page

Zena and Odin's 2005. Click on the pictures to view each dogs pedigree. Remember to click back the back button to come back to this page.

Contact Heather Haggard


Please review our extensive Puppy Contract and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

***Callie*** pup will be 8wks old on June 19 2005.

Below are all the links to each pup in this litter. Each page looks the same but as you scan down the page you will see that it is about a different pup. Each page is kept up to date, and will have the most current information about this pup (weather it is sold/avalable ect) Enjoy your look and Please let me know if you have any questions.~Heather

Picking your pups name. It is time for this litter to be named. If you have already put a deposit on this litter I will need for you to get back with me a.s.a.p. on what name you want for your pup. We will begin to name each pup this week. I have started putting together all the puppy packets and will put the pups registerd name on that packet. You may use a call name for you daily life for your pup but this litter is the 'C' litter and each reg. name will begin with a 'C'. This is a fun link below and can help you pick out your new pups name.~Heather

A great link to some names and meanings.


10 months

Callie is just doing outstanding in her training. She will be showing this month (03/06) for her CD title in AKC. She is very advanced for her age, and very easy to train. Callies owner Connie has just done so well with her we couldn't be more pleased. Check back for updated information about Callie.

12 weeks old

7 weeks old

6 weeks old

Print out a copy of the Puppy Aptitude Test and score your pup.Volhard Temperment Test

These are the temperment test results.(1)~4,(2)~3(3)~3(4)~3(5)~3(6)~6(7)~2,(8)~3,(9)~3,(10)~ good.

This pup scored MOSTLY 3's on her test. This is an all around good temperment for most situations. This pup will be able to be brought up in drive to do work (schutzhund/agility/competition obediance/herding) but will not be to much dog for an active family. ALL DOGS NEED TRAINING and this pup will be no exception, basic house manners and social obediance is needed.

You will need to order your food for your pup. It takes about 7 working days to get to you..We recomend an organic dog food for all our pups. To learn more about our recomended dog food go

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