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July 9, 2000
9:06 p.m.

Well, Saturday afternoon, my sister finally got home. I got a little dressed up, and we drove to my cousin Mike's house. It was good to my cousin Michelle. We have a bit of an odd relationship. The only thing that we do is make fun of each other…God only knows why I like the torture that I get. My two cousins Michelle and Mike, my sister, Jo Ann, and I are really close. We have really spent our entire lives together, and by now, it's kind of natural that we are close.

We left for Chicago, and I found out that we were seeing Blue Man Group in a theater right near Boys Town, meaning that we were planning on having dinner around there too. I didn't know how I felt about being in Boys Town with my family. Going to Boys town with friends like Josh or Nathan is one of my favorite things because they know that I'm gay. But I have yet to reveal that fact to my family.

We got to N. Halstad, which is the heart of Boys Town. We walked around for a while, and I didn't really say much, especially when my sister was commenting on how there are a lot of "those people" in this area. There wasn't anything negative that was said, but I still felt uncomfortable.

We finally found a place to eat, and all I saw were gay waiters and mostly gay people having something to eat. The place was called Leona's. Our waiter was especially cute…and gay. If I was with friends, I would have been hitting on him, but for some reason…that just didn't happen with my cousin and sis. We started off with three appetizers…mozzarella sticks, garlic bread, and calamari. We were a little full at that point, but we still had our entrays to eat. I had this five cheese lasagna…OMG!! It was so good. But I only had a couple bites of it because I was so full. The others didn't have much of their entrays either.. What did we do next, we ordered dessert!! Hehe.. We had this tiramisu and this strawberry ice cream sunday thing. They were so delish… Our tab came to about seventy dollars, and we tipped our waiter, Kyle, about twenty-five dollars. In times like this, I love going out with my cousins and sister because we do things like this all the time and I never have to pay….hehe..

We headed off to the theater and we walked by all these erotica stores. I just thought to myself that these are stores that I have been to with Josh, but I would never think of entering these stores with my fam. We got to Briar Street Theater, where Blue Man Group was being shown, and we found our seats. To top off being in Boys Town and having a gay waiter…there was a gay couple right behind us. I kind of let everything go, and I just waited for the show to begin. As the lights went down, I was instantly amazed. The men with blue faces played the drums. The show was filled with little skits, these three "blue" men who didn't talk, and a lot of humor. The show finished off with rolls and rolls of toilet paper being pulled across the audience, black lights and strobe lights. I was left with this psychedelic feeling.

It was incredible.

y e s t e r d a y

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