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December 5, 2000

I am really pissed at my Calc teacher. I woke up at around 5:00am this morning so that I could finish the rest of my studying. There were people to saw me at 2:00 last night before they went to bed, and then they saw me at 5:00 this morning. They thought that I hadn't gone to sleep.

Well, our professor handed out the test, and I was really glad because it was over material that I understood, but they were on the first two sections of the chapter. He gave us about fifty problems to do to study for the test, and the test probably covered the first ten questions. What a complete waste of time. At least I can expect an A on this test.

Dom, Jody, and I were walking to Dom's car to pick up some pictures from Walmart. The other week, Jody finally turned in a roll of film with all these crazy pictures of the three of us on it. I have been waiting to see these pictures since the beginning of the semester.

When Dom and I tried to get the pictures earlier in the day, we were told that they couldn't find the pictures, and they didn't have any records that we had turned it in. We told Jody, and she brought in her slip saying that she had turned the roll of film in. They then told her that they tracked down the pictures but they wouldn't be ready until 6:00pm tonight even though they were due back yesterday.

What happened is that Walmart turned in the pictures two days after we had turned them in making them come back a day late. I called Walmart myself, and I asked them what the deal was…the finally told me that the pictures were in, and I was deteremined to get these pictures for free.

Like I said, we were walking to the car, and this is the whole reason I started telling this story. I don't know how it came up, but the girls started talking about Dom's old boyfriend, and how he creamed in his pants really easily. And then more was said, and then somehow it came out that Dom had been in the presence of three boys who have "exploded." Ok, I knew that I was one and her "last" boyfriend was a second.

I had a hunch that Jason was the third, but I asked anyway. She tried to avoid the question, but I was kind of irritated by this point. Jody commented that Dom had gotten herself in a rut, and I agreed. I mean, if she's going to hide these things from me…at least do a good job of it.

Dom had told me that all she had done with him was make out….apparently she had lied, and that's what I was mad about. First I learned that she purposely hid this relationship, now I learned that she lied about the relationship…what next?! Needless to say, I didn't say much on the way to and from Walmart. But, neither did Dom. I sat in the car in silence, and the girls joked the whole way…how typical…when BJ's mad or upset, it doesn't matter. The world goes on. However, if our roles were reversed and Dom was upset, my world would stop turning until Dom was ok again.

y e s t e r d a y

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