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Brian 5/17/02 Started a fight with one of the top Mafia guys of New York in the Forum Diner. Brian continued to say "Fuck you" to his face until the once HFC turned pussy bitch left.
Chuck 5/18/02 Sacrificed his Saturday night to stay home and talk to online hotties.
Torch 7/04/02 Words cannot be spoken at this time. Will be posted at a later date.
Ssips 7/10/02 Got with 3 hotties in the same night, and then ditched them.
Torch 11/22/02 Utilized energy with his mind to move a watter bottle several times.
Chuck 12/02/02 Fasted for 2 days and sacraficed his muscle protein absorbtion in an attemp to gain clarity of our true reality.
Torch 12/06/02 Used his energy to force himself into "the middle world" where he spoke to many intelligent beings and learned a great deal about himself and his role in the universe.