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The Flirt
of the Month
is ...

June 2001 Results

July 2001 Results

August 2001 Results

September 2001 Results

October 2001 Results

December 2001 Results

We love these tests!

More Fun Tests!

(These ones are a little twisted.)



Here's a Flirt Poll for January

This month is the "Most Likely to" Month.
I have saved all the ideas that you have given me,
with the beginning of "most likely to" for today!
Thanks for all your crazy, off the wall, out there ideas!

Most likely to be a guy posing as a girl

Most likely to be a girl posing as a guy

Most likely to be killed in their sleep by someone from Flirt

Most likely to kill someone from Flirt while they sleep

Most likely to sleep with a cop to get out of a ticket

Most likely to have their girlfriend sleep with a cop to get them out of a ticket

Most likely to steal someone's girl

Most likely to have their girl stolen

Most likely to steal someone's man

Most likely to have their man stolen

Most likely to sing naked in the street

Most likely to call the authorities when they see someone singing naked in the street

Most likely to "fake it"

Most likely to have someone "fake it" with them

Most likely to get caught

Most likely to catch someone

Next time all the questions will ask for a number as an answer.

(Example: How many one night stands have you had?)

Send me your ideas for questions here! - THE online kissing resource!

Flirt's Discussion Board by digikoon

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