
bio...who am i?


crazy drunken writings





so today in my third period class i'm sitting playing snake (as usual) and the topic of a food drive come up. i'm listening with half an ear and then my teacher tells us that the class that raises the most amount of canned food wins a pizza party. someone noticed that we had a box for canned food in our classroom already that was sponsored by a.s.b. i'm assuming that the contest and the food drive by a.s.b. are two different things. (if i'm not, well, you can cry about it). then someone says that we should get rid of it because a.s.b. isn't offering a pizza party. this gets a chorous of 'yeahs!' and 'we want pizza!' from the rest of the class. after about 5 minutes of this, i pause my precious game of snake and say a comment to my buddy megan.

"this is such steryotypical american bullshit. 'we'll give to charity....now what's in it for us?'

seriously, i was appaled. i mean, jesus christ, it's not like anyone in my class is starving. i don't think things like food drives should come with a reward, it just reinforces the notion that in order to do something nice you have to get something in return. these are the people that complain that their brand new car's tires don't look right. fuck man, be glad you even have a car. we're pretty much all spoiled little suburban kids here. some are worse than others. i'm usually stuck with the worst ones.but it's not that bad, i have snake to keep me company.