
bio...who am i?


crazy drunken writings





as i've mentioned before i babysit for my neighbor every week. its not that bad, the kids can get really annoying, but its not anything terrible. the thing that i've noticed is the way that they talk. the other day, krissy said that her favorite words were 'gay, and loser'. ok, it really bugs me when the word gay is used to describe something that's stupid. its one thing to say it every now and then but she uses it all the time. she says it all the time so i'm guessing her mom has most likely heard her. i'm pretty sure her mom is ok with her using it. which is a bit more disturbing to me. ive tried talking to her about it a few different ways, but i think that she doesn't quite get it yet. im not excactly super sitter here either.

the younger one always says stuff like 'krissy you're a fat cow/fat pig'. shes said it to me a few times, too. i'm pretty sure i know where all this pent up aggression is coming from, but i'm not going to go into details. i talk enough shit as it is.

anyway. every night i go over there it reminds me of middle school. middle school and all the pressure to fit in and be cool. i dont know what it is about 6th grade that changes everything. its all about whos popular and whos shoes are cooler. its still like that in highschool only i ignore all of that shit. middle school was probably the worst time iv'e ever had in school. 7th and 8th grade i was such a nerd and i thought it was the end of the world. now i enjoy being geek-core. being a carbon copy gets boring after awhile. social status is really pointless if you look at it. im never going to see these people again, and i really don't like most of them. going to mount carmel is like going to a fashion show every single day. jesus, it's just school. in their own way every tries to hard. damnit, iv'e gone off a tangent again. curse you short attention span.

back to the kiddies. they are products of middle school. maybe they'll grow out of it, or maybe they'll grow into it more. i'm not going to lose sleep over it. when it gets bad over there, i just remind myself of the brownies waiting for me in the refridgerator.