
bio...who am i?


crazy drunken writings





well. the other day while driving my automobile i had a few run ins with the elderly. or shall we call them the living impaired? with all this p.c. nonsense these days its hard to breathe without someone getting offended. i mean come on guys, i'm trying to do something about the breathing thing, its just a lot harder than i originally thought it would be. but enough about me, lets get back to, oh wait, i was talking about me. hm, what a surprise, sunny talking about herself.

picture this; it's a beautiful day (ok, it's an average day, but i'm trying to build up a story here, and i really don't have much to work with) i'm going down the road, and all of a sudden i see a car tailgating me. now i'm an asshole (but i'm a polite asshole because i signal) so of course i slow down. and they can't get over because theres cars on the other side of them. so they're getting all sorts of pissed off, and i look in my rear view mirror, and i see a handicap parking sticker on their mirror. hahahaha, stupid retards. that statement is even funnier now because it holds water.

so i'm coming out of the parking lot by the petco in carmel mountain, and i'm pausing at the pause sign. *image of sunny sitting in the chimo, innocently turning left* i turn left, and i wait my turn to make a right onto the street. i make the right onto the street, and everything is a smooth operator. then all of a sudden the person behind me angrily changes lanes and goes in front of me. its this old guy in some golf hat and then he starts shaking his fist at me. the only reaction i had was to laugh. i mean, jesus, i'm not a slow driver, so i have no idea what i did to piss this dude off.

what the fuck was up with the old and 'handicapable'?!!!! they're getting more restless than usual. i guess they have that 'nothing to lose' persona. that's why i say we should just kill them. after you reach a certain age, be gone with ye. you're not doing anything anyway. wait a minute, with that logic i'd have to kill myself because i'm not doing anything. fuck. actually, i am doing something. SOMETHING THAT NOT MANY OTHER PEOPLE CAN BRAG ABOUT. I AM CREATIVE. THAT'S RIGHT MOTHER FUCKERS! YOU MAY HAVE THE FANCY CARS AND GOLD DIGGER WIVES, BUT I HAVE THE ABILITY TO KEEP MYSELF AMUSED AT ALL TIMES. (with the help of snake of course) HAHAHAHAHAHA! EAT MY SHIT!!!!!!!!!