
bio...who am i?


crazy drunken writings





i want to wear a towel all the time. i don't know why this is, but being in a towel makes me feel like i could blow something up. some people have fantasies involving themselves being really attractive or being some super star jock. i on the other hand, invision myself in a towel, blowing things up.

i think this all started when i saw tenchi in tokyo. (yes i like anime, feel free to lower your opinion of me even more) there was this scene where kiyone is in a towel and gets transported into washu's lab because there's something wrong with the time space...thing...or something. (its been awhile since i've seen this movie, details are escaping me) ANYWAY, even though shes pretty much naki she still manages to stay in control and not freak out. and that's why it would be so much cooler to cause mass destruction in that attire.

i think if i actually some how pull off this world domination thing than the towel will become a symbol of evil. much like the swastica. only my revolution wouldn't single out a certain group. as far as i'm concerned the entire world is made up of shit heads, and so far i haven't met anyone that has changed my mind. (note how i said entire world, that includes myself, so don't try and pull that 'hrrr, sunnys a hypocrite' crap on me...bitch) everyone has 'good' and 'evil' in them, don't tell me that youre a good person because i won't believe that for a second. you may have done some good things, but good deads do not an angel make. so stop lying to yourself. and if i hear the 'i go to church arguement' one more time, the hospitals going to lose a lot more babies this time around. 'do unto others as you would have them do unto you....unless they're queer or don't believe in christianity'. whew, thanks for clearing that up guys! now i'm torn between creating a cult or creating a militia. or i could combine the two and have the ultimate combination of power. it'll be like tank girl, only no evil water company and no kangaroo people, and we'll be in towels!!!!

i love towels. i hate you. god hates fags. i hate god. we have an understanding.