Part 3

They wake the next morning and Tony starts to think to himself about what happened the other week and what awesome power he holds within him.

Tony thinking: How did that happen? How is it Swipe was thrown without a single person touching him? Telepathic? Hm... I wonder if what was said to me was true? "This could be the one."? And then another one said, "If it is, we'll have to keep him just a little while longer." But then why is it every day I keep hearing it over and over again? When ever I'm alone I keep hearing it. And what's the problem with Storm? Maybe he should stop acting up and do something right in his life. Maybe I should just forget the whole thing and get up and eat.

Tony gets up and sees Tai still lying in bed- the only one still asleep- and goes over to wake him up. Tai jumps jump because Tony scared him in the middle of a fight.

Tai: What the hell? Tony why the hell'd you wake me? I almost won the World Fighter Cup!

Tony: Yeah, in your dreams. How about this? Mornin' Tai!

Tai: Hey Tony. But why did you have to wake me?

Tony: Shut up about that and start making me... and the others... some breakfast.

Tai: You know Tony... grr fine. What do you want...

Tony: The usual. You know. The only thing you make us.

Chance: Ok! So what do you two have in mind?

Card: The same as Tony I guess.

Jan: I'll second that.

They get to work making breakfast. After eating Tony starts telling the others about what happened last week.

Card: So you don't know if Storm's dead right?

Tony: Right. He could still be out there somewhere.

Tai: You know, I saw him with that cape on.

Tony: You serious? He can't be dead then! Tai!?

Tai: What now?

Tony: Storm isn't dead!

Tai: What do you mean, not dead? I shot him clear as day after you and him fell out that window.

Tony: he had his cape on Tai! We have to get Kari's.

Card: It's just a cape. Don't worry about it. I don't know what your problem is.

Tony: Tai and I know. He's had that cape since preschool. It was down to the floor then. Now it must be hidden. Let's go.

The two of them leave. Card yells out "It's just a cape!" as the tires screech out of the driveway. Once there they ask Kari where the fuck Storm is.

Kari: I don't know. If he shows up I'll call. Ok boys?

Tony: Fine, I guess.

Tai: I'm gonna look around a bit before leaving Ok Kari?

Kari: Whatever.

Tai and Tony start their search and look around where ever they think he could be hiding.

Tai: Not in the fridge. Chicken!

Tony: Not behind the bar.

Tai: not in the-


Tony and Tai: Ok, bye.

In the car on the way home they discuss how Storm could still be somewhere in her house. She just wouldn't let them complete their search. They get out when they reach the house and Tony looks over to Tai. Card greets them.

Tony: We go tonight. We sneak over there and kill his ass.

Card: you guys see the restaurant over there? It's opening tonight. You guys want to go?

Tony: I guess. Since we have nothing better to with our worthless lives.

An entire 5 minutes go by.

Tony: Time's just FLYING by.

Tai: Check this out on tv.

Chance: How long has it been?

Tony: A whole 6 minutes have gone by Chance.

Chance: Really?

Tony: What the hell do you mean REALLY?

Chance: I thought a minute went by.

TV reporter: Last week Ledady City was in ruins, kinda. Well now that the bank has been reopened and the roads and air finally cleaned; this restaurant named "The Um Restaurant" is being opened and we are here at the opening...

Card: Lets go. Come on.

Chance: Yeah!

Tony: All right!

They get up and start walking toward the opening restaurant.

Jan: I don't get it. Card. Card?!

Card: What? WHAT?

Jan: I don't understand.

Card: Don't understand what?

Jan: How you guys can get all excited over a damn restaurant.

Card: So?

Jan: So? I don't understand HOW.

Card: We're HERE!

Chance: Hey look! We're on tv!



Tv guy: You?

Tai: NO! I mean YES, IT WAS US. GOD!

TV guy: No one cares.

Man wanting to get in: Can I go in now?



TV guy: Go in...ass holes.

They go in and find a table. After sitting down a waiter comes up to them.

Waiter: I'll serve you tonight. My name's-

Tony: Chris right?

Mike: No jack-ass. Chris is the back at the BAR!

Tony: Then you're Mike!

Mike: Right jack-ass!

Chance: You have a bar!?

Mike: Yeah, jack-ass!

Card: Don't make me pull out my-

Mike: M-16 ass-ult rifle?

Card: Duh.

Mike: Wait. I know you. You're Tony right?

Tony: Yeah dumb ass.

Mike: Here guys.

Jan clears her throat for Mike to know she's there.

Mike: Who's the babe with big tits?

Jan: Call me that again and I'll-

Mike: Babe.

Jan knees Mike in the balls as he gives them their menus, sending them flying.

Mike: Owwwwwwwwww... SHIT THAT HURT.

Jan: Knee you in the balls.

Mike: order in a sec.

Mike goes in the back to Chris.

Chris: Kneed in the balls again?


Chris: How about I shove a twinke up YOUR ass?

Mike: Shut up.

Chris: Bye.

Mike goes back over.

Mike: Ready to order-

Jan: Say it again and I'll do it again.

3 seconds later Mike goes to the back again.

Chris laughing: Again?

Mike: Shut up.

Chris: No.

Mike: Bite me!

Chris: Bye!

Mike goes back over to the table, AGAIN!

Mike: Order?

Tony: I'll have the... grilled butter???

Mike writing the order as he says it: Grilled CHEESE.

Tony: Whatever.

Card: I guess I'll have a steak.

Mike again: Steak and cheese.

Card: I don't want-

Mike: I don't care and don't even say it.

Card: Cheese.

Mike: You get cheese or no eat.

Card: What the hell. Fine.

Jan: I'll have what Card's having.

Mike: So you want a grilled cheese?

Jan: I want steak and cheese.

Mike: Grilled chee-

Jan: Don't even.

Mike: Steak and cheese.

Chance: What Tony's having.

Mike: Grilled cheese?



Tai: And I want-

Mike: Chance wishes he had a frank and beans.

Tai: Salad.

Mike: Salade and cheese.

Tai: You know Mike! Fine! Geeze!

They get the food COMPLETELY COVERED IN CHEESE. They eat the cheese filled slop and Chance and Tony go to the back where the bar is located.

Tony: Chris man, WASSSUPPP.

Chris: I don't know. What do you two want?

Tony: Two beers.

Chris: You know you're not old enough to get that and who you?

Chance: I'm chance and I don't care what you give me as long as it has beer in it.

Chris: Fine!(He then whispers to Tony)This will knock him on his ass!

Tony: You serious? Dude!

Chris: I know.

Card: We're leaving all right? See you two at the house.

Tai: I'm staying to watch Tony, see ya.

A little while goes by and Tony and Chance get totally drunk. While getting drunk a beautiful girl comes in. Mike goes up to her.

Mike: Hey babe.

She kicks him in the balls and he falls to the ground. A second girl comes in and steps on Mike. The first girl knocks out Tony, the other Chance. Tai doesn't notice because he's too busy talking to Chris. The girls take them and leave. Mike gets back up and runs over to Tai.

Mike: Tai, Tifa Lockhart just took your brother and some blondie took Chance.

Tai runs to his car and starts following the girls but loses them. The girls get to their hide out. They go to separate rooms bringing the boys with them. Tifa goes to her room and a little later leaves. Tony wakes up to find his limbs tied to the corners of the bed! The door flings open and Tifa comes flying in.


She lands right on top of him, finding his weak spot and using it. Tickling his feet!

Tony: A HAHAHah ha ha ha ha. Please! Stop!

Tifa: Hey, I've seen you before.

Tony while laughing: On tv?

Tifa: You're real cute.

Tony: So?

Tifa: Humf.

Tony: What did I say?

Tifa: I say you're cute and all you can say is SO?

Tony laughing again: You're cute too! Happy? I, HA HA hahahahahahaha-

The door bursts open with Tai behind it holding Chance by the neck. Now to Chance. The two go in and sit up on the bed and Chance keeps dropping his head. He falls on his back and starts to go to sleep. The door opens and slams against the wall waking Chance. Tai takes him and goes over to Tifa's room.

Tai: Tony get the hell away from her NOW!

Tony: I, uh, can't bro.

Tai: Power?

Tony: Oh yeah! Sorry Tifa.

Tony puts her on the ground and rips the ropes. Tony knocks out Tifa and puts her over his shoulder to take her with him. The four of them leave and go to Tai's car.


Tony: Shhh. Because she's cute. Hurry she's freaking heavy!

Tai: Fine. I'm driving.

Tony: She's in. Lets go.

On the way to Kari's house, the car really starts to-

Tai: oh GOD, Tony was that you?

Tony takes a sniff.

Tony: UGGH! NO!

Both: Chance!

Tai: Kari isn't gonna like that you have a girlfriend that kicks Mike in the balls named Tifa.

Tony: I really don't care as long as Storm's dead.

They get to the house and sneak in. Tony knows the door is always unlocked and they sneak in. Once inside tai goes to the fridge for a mid-night snack.

Tai: Man, nothing good.

Tony: I can't see a thing down-OW!

Tai: Shut up Tony.

Tony: NO!

Tai: What did you say to m-OWW! FUCKING SHIT!

Tony: why do I even bother?

Tai: Yeah you're right. IF WE STOP STORM-

Tony: Shh he'll keep coming back.

Tai: Right. Lets go.

They go home but first stop at the restaurant. Tony walks in to see Chris.

Tony: What are you two still doing here?

Chris: We don't close until 11:00 P.M.

Tony: How do you stay up?

Chris: How do you on a boring night?

Tony: You don't kick Mike in the balls do you?

Mike walks over swinging an N-64 controller.

Chris: Once in a while.

Mike hits himself in the balls with the controller.


Tony: You guys have systems in here?

Chris: A few; PS2, N-64, and Dreamcast.

Tony: Bring them and come to our house!

Mike: Yeah! Now I can call Jan a babe again!

Tony: And Tifa too!

Chris: And get kicked in the balls again!

They walk over to the house and sleep after hooking up the systems. Tony wakes up in the morning; only to find out that Tifa, Card, Jan, and Chance were staring down at him. He turns over onto his stomach and Tifa starts complaining anyway. He turns back over.

Tifa: Why am I here? And who are you?

Tony: I'm Tony, the cutie that's ticklish.

Tifa: Oh yeah!

She tickles him again.

Tony: Ah HAHA HA HA ha STOP HA Please!

Tifa stops. Mike wakes up and goes over to Tifa and Jan.

Mike: Hey babes!

Tifa and Jan both kick him in the balls. He slams hard into the floor, waking Chris up. Chris looks down at him.

Chris: Now that your balls hurt, go make something.

Mike: What do you want, and only one thing.

Everyone(Tai wakes up): French toast!

Mike: Ok! I'll make Fench CHEESE for you!

So he does. French toast COMPLETELY COVERED IN CHEESE! He serves it to them and they all stare at it.

Tony: How are we supposed to EAT if it's COMPLETELY COVERED IN CHEESE!?

He then gets up and goes over to Mike.

Tony: Hey Mike?

Mike: Yeah? What is it?

Tony: Can I talk to you in private?

Mike: Sure thing. Right here?

Tony: Yeah, right here man.

Tony has Mike turn around then he kicks him in the balls.


Mike in high voice: I thought it was private.

Chris: Hey Tony, got any twinkes?

Tony: Bottom right cabinet. Heheh!

Chris: Got it. Coming up!


Chris: How about I shove it up YOUR ASS, then you can blow it out your ass!

Tony: You're not really going to are you?

Chris: It'll come out later!

Chris unraps the twinke, turns that some-bitch sideways, and sticks it right in Mike not candy filled mouth!

Mike: Hump hum huam humf.

Tifa: Why did he eat it?

Chance: No clue.

Jan: He probably wasn't going to get it shoved up his ass.

Tony: I wish it did go up his ass.

Card: It's just not right if it goes in his mouth. It has to go up the ass. Not the mouth.

Tai: card, you're totally right. It has to go up the ass.

Chris: hey he has to eat too, you know. Cough it out too!

Chris kicks Mike in the balls and he blows chunks of twinke everywhere.

Everybody: AGGHHHH! GOD!

Mike: Ha ha ha ha. Damn you guys got twinke all over you!

Time passes. A few hours later in the basement Tony and Chris are looking around.

Chris: Hey Tony, what's this?

Chris hands Tony his crystal. Tony's touch makes the crystal glow.

Tony: the crystal I got after destroying Swipe.

Chris: I should get one for kicking Mike. What's that on the bottom?

Tony: Huh? I dunno. It says: In the hands bring together all 3, to bring out the power in thee. Only then it can be brought out, On July 6, at the time of the devil.

Chris: When's the time of the devil?

Tony: 6 minutes and 6 seconds after 6 P.M.

Chris: We only have a few months then.

Tony: You're right.

Chris: What should we do now?


Chris: I'll start mine so we can it down there.

Tony: Right, but I have to drive.

Chris: Fine...

The two go upstairs.

Card: Where are you two going?

Tony: To fix my car. Tifa?

Tifa: Yeah, Tony?

Tony: Come with us.

Tifa: Okay!

Mike: We have to go to work Chris!

Chris: They can't open the bar until 12:00 in the afternoon. So hum.(he sticks out his tongue)

Mike: Can I rip that out?

Chris: Bye!

Mike: He pisses me OFF! GOD!

Jan kicks him(you know where)!

Mike: What?

Jan: You're pretty......DUMB!

In the car almost there...

Chris: What if...

Tony: Don't even, if you say it out loud it may happen.

Tifa: Please. Just let him finish.

Tony: Okay...

Chris: the car just happens to fall off the back?

Tony: WHY!?

They get there and drive the car in. Tony parks it and the car falls off. They noticed quite a few people working on cars.

Tony: At least it fell off here.

Tifa: Is that your friend that double-crossed you in the cape?

Tony: Yeah it is. How did you know?

Chris: That's Storm???

Tony: Yeah... How did you guys find out?

Tony gets out and walks over to Storm.

Tony: Hey Storm.

Storm: AH! Tony! Stay away! Wait, where's Tai?

Tony: Not here. I need MY car fixed.

Storm: Then you came to the right place.

Tony: Don't waste my time.

Storm: fine then.

Tony: this better be fast.

Storm: You want it done fast eh? Jon! He should be fast enough for you.

Jon comes over and looks at Tony.

Jon: What's the matter?

Tony: Nothing, I'm fine.

Jon: with the car.

Tony laughing: Oh! The engine won't turn.

Jon: Try gas?

Tony: No.

Jon: May I?

Tony: Fine.

Jon gets some gas and puts it in while Tony has a private chat with Storm.

Tony: I was thinking you two want to join?

Storm: Huh? Sure! I don't about Jon though.

Jon gets in the car and it starts. He turns it off and gets out.

Storm: HEY JON!

Jon: What?

Storm: Want to live with Tony and the gang?

Jon: Sure, why not, may find a few ladies.

Tony: Just come, okay? After work have Storm bring you so that the both of you make it.

Jon: You too?

Storm: Yeah!

Chris: More people? Come on!

Tifa: 5+3+2= Hey there's 10 people on the on the team on the team now!

Jon: Good math.

Tony: Damn right Tifa. Lets go. Tifa, you drive Chris' car, I got mine, Chris, you want to come with me?

Chris: No your dangerous! I'm staying with Tifa.

Tony gets in his car, rev's it, and the tires squeal as he leaves. TIfa starts the car and leaves. Still at the shop...

Jon: That was stupid. He didn't even pay!

Storm: Pa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. I almost cracked up before!

Jon: Tifa's HOT!

Storm: I know! She's Tony's though.

Jon: Pfft, forget that!

Storm: They, Tony and Tai, almost killed me once before.

Jon: I'll be careful. Who's on the team?

Storm: Card, Jan, Chance, Tai, Tony, Chris, Tifa, and someone else.

Jon: Who's the someone else?

Storm: I don't know. I only go there EVERY DAY.

Jon: Hey, I found this thing the other day, it's a crystal. It has some stuff written on it and has Tony on it.

Storm: Must be Tony's!

Jon: Yeah huh!

Storm: No Jon it's yours!


Storm: NO!

Jon: Man...

At the house...

Tai; Where's my bro? Jan!

Jan: What?

Tai: Where's Tony?

Jan: I don't know.

Chance: Hey, check out this CRAP on tv.

Card, Jan, and Tai go over.


Card: Watch him smell it.

Tv Guy: Just smell it!

The Tv Guy sniffs it.

Jan: Please change the channel.

Chance: ..... ......... ..... NO!

Tai: Then what's your name?

Chance: Chance.

Tai: Then give her one.

He writes his name on a piece of paper and gives it to her.

Jan: That's how you spell your name? KHANC.

Everyone laughs at it.

Chance: Then how if your so smart?

Card: C, h,

Tai: a, n,

Jan: c, e.

Tony's car pulls up in the driveway and he gets out. He stands there and watches while Tifa and Chris come in. That night at The Um Restaurant...

Tony; Mike we know how YOU love cheese but we don-

Tifa: So fucking stop giving us cheese if you want to stay at the house.

She kicks him in the balls.

Mike: Fine. No more cheese!

Card: Who's house?

Tai: Mine!

Tony: Mine too!

Chance: Me?

Jan: What about me, hello.

Later, back at the house, Tony's drying off from his shower and he just happens to notice something on his left muscle.

Tony: Hey 317? What the fu- Oh!

Tifa: What is it Tony?

He gets dressed and tells everyone to gather around.

Tai: What is it now Tony?

Tony: I need you guys-and gals- to take off your shirts or pull up your sleeves or something.

Tifa: Tony, not this again.

Jan: You've done this before? Hey wait, I'm not taking my shirt off!

Tony: Fine, you two don't have to but guys, come on! What the fuck is your damn problem? Take your shirts off!

The guys take of their shirts.

Tai: Hey 314? When did that get there?

Chance: I don't have that, oh wait, lemme check... never mind.

Chris: Before I moved here, I remember seeing that, I've got 333.

Mike: The fuck? I don't remember this being here! I've got a 313 on my damn arm!

Card: I don't even have one, what's up with the number's Tony?

Jon: Yo! I got a 316 on me! Dude!

Tony: I dunno Card, I really can't recall having this. Storm? You have...?

Storm: A 368, and what's with the diamond thing?

Chris: Can you guys remember 10 years back? We were all at that place that I can't think of the name of?

Tai: Nope, I was only three at the time.

Chris: *groans* Why the hell can't I remember? Those numbers have a meaning, something happened 10 years ago.

Tony; I think I know what you're talking about, it was the Old Prison. And the only stupid rea-

Jon: -son we were there is because the care-taker died after leaving the orphanage.

Mike: ........... OH YEAH HUH?

:Storm: So? Oh, and Jon, he he, don't you have that, he, thing-

Jon: Oh, the crystal thing. Hey Tony, I have this thing for you, it doesn't do much but... here.

Jon takes out the crystal and hands it to Tony, who takes it. Tony reads it aloud:

Tony: Only one more to unleash the inner power, But should you take it? You may hurt the ones you cherish most, You may find the true power and not like it.

Tai: And...? What's that supposed to mean?

Tony: Dammit, another dumbass crossroad, should I just wing it like every other thing in my life? It sounds sort of serious...I ... uh... dunno...

Tifa: Don't worry about it Tony, you still have a few months left, right?

Tony: These are way too many questions... I don't want to deal with this now. Tifa, how the hell do you know?

Tifa: I overheard you talking about it to Chris.

Jon; Dude, I, uh, wonder, how are you going to find that last crystal? What IF you hurt someone?

Tony: I dunno, I mean, what if I do? And that date...

Jan: Huh?

Tony: 666. That has got to be why it says that.

Mike: And just what are you getting at?

Tony: The first one spoke of 666. This one talks about hurting people, friends, cherished ones.

Card: And...? Is there anything else?

Tony: Someone may die Card!

Tifa: Don't worry about it, you wouldn't kill one of us... well, maybe Mike, but that's about it.

Tony: And what if, huh? What if it just happens? Huh? Then what?

Jan: Then we'll forgive you. ALL of us will. Unless you kill Mike, then we'll party.

Jon: Yeah, dude. Chill out about it.

Tony: Forget it. I'm going to bed, I can't deal with this right now.

Card: Smart idea, sleep on it. As a matter of fact, I think we all should.

Storm: You like about the prison?

Tai: Talk tomorrow.

Tony: Goodnight.

Jon: HEY! What about school? Should we attend?

Card: All question, TOMORROW.

Tai: Hey Tony, can you imagine going back to school?

Tony: Shut up Tai, it's not helping my sleep. I can't take anymore.

Tai: Sorry Tony...

They're all asleep about ten minutes later...In the dream state...

Tony: NO! I am NOT going! And you can't make me!

Tai: Awww, come on, all your friends are gonna be there.

Chris: I'm going.

Tony: I don't care.

Jon; Don't you want to see Mike get kicked in the balls by MANY people?

Tony: Well, I've just changed my mind. I think I will go.

Mike: What was that?

Storm: Then lets get going!

So they go. In the school they are all in the same classes accept Tai. The kids in his class throw planes and papers at him, saying it was him when the teacher asked. No one would go anywhere near Tony and the group from fear of their weapons, and what they may say. Mike keeps roaming the halls with passes just to meet a girl and say "Hey Babe!" only to get in the balls every single time he said that. The bell rang and they switched classes. Tony went off to the bathroom and while he was there, some of the kids talked about him behind his back. Tony walks out of the bathroom and spots Tifa in the hall.

Tony: Tifa!

Tifa: Hey Tony!

They pass each other and suddenly a gunshot could be heard, and Tifa let out a faint yell. Tony spins around to find her on the ground, bullet in her back.

Tony: NO! Tifa!

Kids start poring out of the class rooms to look. Another shot cries out. The lifeless body of Tony falls to the ground. He jumps up in his bed to find Tifa was standing there the entire time, watching. Birds can be heard chirping not too far off.

Tifa: I tried to wake you, what's the matter?

Tony: It's nothing.

Tifa: Tony, you were wiggling around like crazy, what happened in your dream?

Tony: IF I'm not to worry about anything, then why should you?

Tifa: Fine! Geez! Don't be so fussy.

Tony: Sorry hon, it's just I hate waking early.

Tifa: It's ok baby, I'll like that too, sometimes.

Mike: "It's ok baby," I wish someone would talk to me that way.

Jan: Well now, that's just too bad huh? Sound familiar at all? " Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I think I'll go eat worms" ?

Mike: N-no, I, uh, can't r-recall.

Jan: Mike, you were singing it in your sleep all damn night!


Jan kicks his square in his balls. He just looks at her.

Mike: why does everyone keep doing that?

Jan: So, it doesn't hurt anymore huh?

Mike: Nope, at least, I didn't feel anything.

Tifa walks by with her metal gloves and punches him in his nuts.

Mike:........... ..... ............... .................

He falls to the floor, out cold.

Jon: Yo! Check it out! Tifa knocked out Mike!

Tony: That's my girl!

About a week later both Mike and Jon buy cars. Mike gets a Shelby Mustang GT 500 KR equipped with nitrous. Jon gets a Lamborghini Diablo 2040(not out to the public yet). Tony and Tai are outside while the others are in. The two of them are skateboarding.

Tai: I wouldn't! Mike will get extremely pissed!

Tony: Let him get pissed! Like I would care.

Tony skates over to Mike's car and does a noseslide across the hood of it. The alarm goes off.

Tony: Dammit dammit dammit!

Tai: Hate to say I told you so, but I told you so!

Tony runs over to his car and starts it as Tai goes over. Jon comes outside still holding the door open.

Jon: Nope, you lose! It's your car! Pay up!

Mike from inside: No way! It can't be mine!

Tai: Tony!

Tony in a low pitched voice: Tony's not here right now, please leave your name number and a message after the tone! BEEP!

Tony drives his car on the onto the road to make it look like he's not there.

Tony: Tai, get in man.

He drives up the road.

Tai: Tony, if someone finds out, like uh, Jon, you may have to pay Mike.

Tony: Be quiet bro. Mike won't find out.

Back at the house…

Mike's car: Beep beep!

Jon: I saw Tony and Tai near it.

Mike: Yeah, well, here's Tony's board, next to the HOOD!

Storm: Damn, Mike. What's that line on the hood?

Mike: Be quiet. When he comes home we put lines on his. Chris get your board.

Chris: Ok.

They get their boards. Tony comes home.

Tony: Holy shit my board's out. I thought I put it away.

They get out and go inside.

Mike: You owe me $700 for repairs and a few other things.

Tony: What are the few other things?

Mike: I need some stuff for MY board.

Tony: No, no way. I know what you want to do. Only $600.

Mike: Fine.

Tony: Here's your mail.

Mike tosses it onto his bed.

Tony: Tifa, here's your mail.

She takes it.

Tony: Card and…………………………………………………………….. ME!

Card takes his, Tony goes over to his bed and looks at his magazine. Lego Magazine!

Tony: Hey Chris, where's yours?

Chris: I don't get them anymore.

Tony: Look! I got a Bionicle comic in it!

Chris: Check out the back! Trading cards!

Tony: Sweet!

Card: Gotta go. Bye guys.

He leaves the house and gets in his truck. At the same time the camera crew is coming by. Card doesn't see it and starts to go. The crew comes around the corner, causing Card to spin out and ram into the bank right there, knocking out the wall and the wall next to it. The truck falls to its side. The bank starts to fall over and Card gets out. Tony saw a few seconds into the future and runs out side.

Tony: CARD!!!!

He runs over to Card trying to hold back the building pieces. The building is too heavy. Tony pushes the KOed Card out of the way while Chris comes out with Tai. Chris sees Tony first. Tifa comes out with Mike.

Chris: Tony!

Tifa: NO!

Tifa punches Mike in the balls. He falls to the ground. Tai's mind connects to Tony's.

Tai: Aggghhhhhh!!!!

Tony falls to the ground at the same time as Tai. The building collapses around Tony. Now everyone is outside watching. The building falls, crashes to the ground, and ends. All is still.

Jon: Now that's some freaky shit.

Jan: Card!

Tifa: Tony!

Mike gets up.

Mike: Tai! I've known Tony since I was 6, even though he was 3.

Jon: I've known him since we were 6 also, but Tony was 6, and now I know why he got into so much trouble.

Chance: How are we supposed to get to him? The road is totally blocked off!

Chris: I have an IDEA!

Part 3 countinued

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