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season opener at Engishtown 2003 | many people showed up including ty wallace, barry carston and more. George ran 125 c and schoolboy 125 c he place 2nd to last in the first because of a dnf, a guy fell on the rythems in front of me and i fell too. i finished a lap early. Schoolboy i finished 8th final wich wasnt bad but there is much room for improvment. |
Doublin Gap | (loretta lynns) Well At doublin gap George Entered 14-15 85cc in the first race I did not to good on the holeshot there were some crazy ruts there it was crazy I was tored the back of the pack since it was my first time therem i dident know what to expect so I dident try to go to fast and fall but it had a lot of flat tracken and ruts and a few jumps. the track was relly long we did 4 laps on the last lap my clutch bracket came loose and a bolt fell out so I could'ent finish. On the second race i got 3rd on the holeshot and fell into a rut and got hit in the back and pilled up 4 bikes I was the only one who got goin again. I was passen people left and right I got 8th place but since I couldent qualify for loretta lynns becuase of the first race. |