18+ Cards
In Australia the drinking age is 18. So if you
are under 21 you are legal to drink in Australia.
However you have to be careful because there are
bars that will not let you in on your United
States issued driver's license. As one guy put it
to me "You guys have too many states, how
are we supposed to remember them all? Illinois?
Is that by Idaho?" To get into some bars you
must have an Australian state issued
Identification card or your Passport. I do not
recommend taking your passport out to the bars
since that is your ticket back into the United
States. You can however get a state issued 18+
identification card. Check with your
International Affairs Office in Australia, or ask
about it in Orientation. Chances are they will
tell you about it, so keep your ears open. To
find out more check out http://www.dpi.wa.gov.au/licensing/poa/