The didgeridoo a musical instrument made out
of a log of wood. It was used mostly by
Aborigines in the Northern part of Australia from
Western Australia through the Northern Territory
to Queensland. However through trade it has moved
to other areas. Termites hollow out the center of
trees over the course of decades. The tree is
then cut down to about a meter long. Music is
made by blowing through the top of the instrument
through the log. I got the chance to make a didgeridoo with
an Aborigine and a bush guide.
My Aunt Tammy's Class
While I was in Australia, my Aunt Tammy's
Class did a section on Australia. I sent a
package of Australian tea, a boomerang, Vegemite,
coins, stamps, toy koalas, and a tea towel. They
had a lot of fun with it. They also made pvc
Didgeridoos. Check out the pictures.