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It seems I have a unique perspective.  I purchased my Xbox on October 29th which means to me that I’m not an early adopter, which is fine.  I also own a PS2, now don’t all you fanboys out there start screaming.  Xbox is far better than the PS2 and I have found that PS2 has mostly played itself out.  Back to the issue at hand however. So when I picked up my Xbox, I decided I needed it’s killer app right off, a lot of people say Splinter Cell, Timesplitters 2, or even Unreal Championship.  But I say, Halo.  I also picked up many of the bestselling games:

     Splinter Cell

     Unreal Championship


            But then on the advice of Xbox magazine’s rating I picked up Rallisport Challenge.  I was totally impressed, you can make your own soundtracks, awesome graphics, and great handling.  I’ve seen tried Rally Fusion and found it lacking, very lacking.  But even though this is an awesome game, there is little said about it.

            After this experience I felt even better about picking up Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind.  Many people hate this game.  They say it is too long, too hard, and no fun.  I’ve seen people saying this in message boards all over the internet and in some reviews of the game it is said that it is too “complicated.”  What does this mean?  Many of these reviewers and message board posters liked Balders’ Gate Dark Alliance or say there are no good RPGs for the Xbox.  What?  Balder’s Gate has graphics that are so low res that they could be on any system.  Elder Scrolls has awesome graphics and sound.  The length of the game is an asset not a negative.  With the many too short games that have been made lately this is a welcome change.  The handling and combat in the game won’t win any awards but neither will little 3D icons that only slightly resemble characters(i.e. Balder’s Gate).

            Finally I conclude my little half-rant with Dead or Alive 3.  This is not Xbox’s answer to Virtua Fighter but it could be Xbox’s answer to Tekken.  The incredible graphics both with characters and backgrounds along with the incredibly good number of modes makes this game an easy winner over Tekken.  Currently as of this writing there is no better fighting game(1/10/03) on Xbox.

            My point in bringing up all these games is simple.  People who have had the Xbox for a long time have either forgotten these games or grown not to appreciate them.  So when the media and fellow gamers suggest games for Xbox newbies they too often suggest the latest and greatest games (Splinter Cell, MechAssault, Unreal Championship).  Rather than the true classics and killer apps.  For the system.  If you haven’t played these games give them a chance:


                 Dead or Alive 3

                 Rallisport Challenge

                 Elder Scrolls III Morrowind

                 Circus Maximus (Unique)

                  Cel Damage (Did you like Twisted Metal, try this)