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            Welcome and thank you for joining me here.  I hope to have Xbox Live soon and put up a clan but right now we will have to do with this.  There are tons of things I want to accomplish with this site and the league in general.  I don’t want this to be just another Xbox website that is under supported and suffers from a general lack of interest.  I will be posting news, reviews, previews, and any league information I come across.  Unfortunately I currently have a general lack of funds so this site will remain modest until that changes.  There is an area for donations that will be going up soon.  If you like and use this website often please donate, otherwise if this is your first time or you think this site sucks don’t feel bad, I don’t expect you to donate.  If you have any ideas or ways of improving the site or if you would like to add stuff that you’ve done, I would love to oblige, so write me an email with your ideas, suggestions, stuff at:


             UPDATED: 02/23/03













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              All images and text property of original shown owners or the property of Microsoft and not to be used for any unintended purpose. Copyright 2003

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