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"Current Events"

WEEK OF may 5'th through the rest of the fuckin week....

Girls beaten, covered in filth by other girls

Five high school girls were sent to the hospital following an extremely rowdy off-campus powderpuff football game. For some reason the festivities also involved pig intestines, fish guts, and possibly human feces. One girl received a gash to the head requiring stitches. Another broke her ankle. "WMAQ-Channel 5 aired excerpts of the tape Monday night, showing several girls being kicked, pummeled and smeared with excrement by other girls as a group of boys stood by, urging them on."

The Fat Tax?.... Should you be charged for unhealthy foods? Thats what they want (some of the people). I say FUCK them... the non-smoker wanted a tax on cigerettes.... Beer, you get taxed twice on and now candy, coke, doughnuts and shit like that .... just how far are we going to let it go. I thought that this was the land of the free, did'nt knwo we had to pay for it!!!

Could you cut your own arm off? A man did while being trapped under a boulder during a hikeing trip.

A dull pocket knife was use to amputate his own arm just under the elbow in an effort to save his own life.... IT WORKED.... and he stated that he cant wait to get back out on the trail.



Todays Top Story.

Acapulco's club ped

"A former school pediatrician convicted 20 years ago of attempted sexual abuse of children was charged yesterday with traveling to an Acapulco guest house to engage in sex with homeless or orphaned boys... Castillo Vista del Mar was created in 1998 specifically for those interested in having sex with boys under 18. Prosecutors said that guests at Castillo were provided with meals, rooms and an 'escort' -- often homeless boys ages 6 to 17 who visited local beaches. In exchange for food, shelter and clothing, the boys engaged in sex with the adult Americans." That blurb was probably taken verbatim from the brochure.

Man explodes own head, although not a suicide attempt

Last year a man in Northamptonshire, England pioneered a new trick for homemade pipe bombs -- holding it in your mouth when it detonates. 20-year-old Joseph Priestly Court shoved a bomb in his mouth and lit the fuse as his roommates watched. He died later that day of head injuries resulting from the blast. But according to the coroner's report, Court was not trying to kill himself -- he was just an impulsive freak with a short temper. Whatever his motives, this guy was definitely a JACKASS

Microsoft launches iLoo

"The iLoo, developed by Microsoft's MSN division, will be a standard portable toilet (or 'loo,' as the Brits call it) equipped with a wireless keyboard and an extendable, height-adjustable plasma screen located directly in front of the seated user." Let's see... an invitation to spend more time inside a "standard portable toilet." Goody. The only thing I enjoy more than using a portapotty is waiting for one. Like we needed to slow down the line even further by including unlimited porn.

Man regrets murders, necrophilia

"A sailor on Monday tearfully admitted to fatally beating his wife with an iron skillet and stabbing his mother-in-law to death at the couple's home last year." The man expressed remorse and said he took responsibility for the killings, as well as for "having sex with his wife's dead body." Well, it's kinda hard to blame somebody else for that.

Death by autodecapitation

Yesterday a 31-year-old man sawed off his head in the deli section of a South African supermarket. Evidently he walked behind the counter and stuck his head into a meat slicer. It occurred right in front of store employees and patrons. I'm betting that slicer is going to receive a cleaning the likes of which it has never seen before: bleach, scouring pads, the whole nine yards.

The world's most primitive car bomb

"Authorities believe a man who died in a fiery explosion in the town square filled his car with open buckets of gasoline and drove toward the workplace of his wife, who was trying to divorce him... The car contained at least six buckets filled with gasoline." If they have to identify your spouse using dental records less than 24 hours after you serve the divorce papers, you just know it was never going to be an amicable separation.

Drunken bastard killed over cabfare

Drunken asshole tries to stiff cab driver. "He started taunting him, saying, 'I'm not going to pay you, and there is nothing you can do about it.' He knew he wasn't going to call the cops on a $5 fare." Then driver smacks asshole with a tire iron, severs an artery, and the asshole bleeds to death. There's something poetic in that.

Gang of transvestite robbers plaguing Manila

"Philippines police on Monday warned taxi drivers in the capital against a gang of gay robbers who not only steal money but kisses from their victims as well. Police officer Anthony Cordova said taxi driver Rolando Estacio fell victim to three homosexual men who robbed him on Sunday at Manila's port area. Cordova said Estacio did not suspect his passengers, who hailed his taxi outside a shopping mall and asked to be brought to the port area, because 'they were all sweet and effeminate.'"

Openly gay police chief gets cheers, jeers

"He's a 5th-degree black belt, a registered Republican, a whiz with computers, a gadget geek and a big Tom Clancy fan. He dotes on his nieces and nephews. He admires Colin Powell and Abraham Lincoln. In his holster is a Walther PPK, James Bond's preferred pistol. And for the past six months, ever since he made a public announcement that angered some and inspired others in this small Bay Area city 50 miles northeast of San Francisco, Ron Forsythe has been the only openly gay police chief in the nation."

Teen's drug lab/bomb workshop/fake ID factory raided

Police searched the home of a 17-year-old looking for evidence of a fake ID business. That they found, along with a marijuana stash and some stolen property. Plus a laboratory where the teenager made pipe bombs and cooked up ecstacy and methamphetamines. At least he's got hobbies.

Let's just give it a rest already

There was exactly one protestor outside the recent Dixie Chicks concert in Orlando, Florida. Evidently somebody thought it was important enough to spend his evening standing outside with a sign saying "I Am Ashamed The Dixie Chicks Are From Texas." No doubt this guy is always the last to sit down when the wave rolls through his section of the grandstand.

Employees paid to visit porn sites

"Viewing porn all day is not as titillating as some would think. Some porn-trackers have quit after a few days. All are told that counseling is available. Pay starts at $10/hour. Most like the job because of the people they work with, not the porn." I would much rather like to hear from the ones who hate the people they work with but love the porn.



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