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Well were back......

And without suprise Yahoo is "Fuckin Nut's" as reported byTristenela2001

It seems as though Drishouston has removed himself from the rank's in JTB's Room 2. There was word that he had a friend that had passed to cancer. The inside story, from unnamed sorces, is that Drishouston ( a formal member of JTB's 1 ) was taken away by Yahoo Law Enforcement and his screen name siezed due to inapropiate behavior with some of the younger members in the room.

Very few members of the room ( JTB's 2 ) rushed to his aid. They have tried to enlist the assistence of a bail bondsman but word has it that this is not the first time charges of this nature has been brought up against, who Yahooian's are now calling the "Internet Chester", and no one is willing to sacrafice their reputation.Tristenela reports "The room is in a state of shock, MPT has left the room without leaving a fowarding e-mail address due to fear that he might be next in this lastest sting opperation by the Yahoo Law Enforcement agency and the T.F.S.Y ( Task Force for a Safer Yahoo )".

We will be recieveing a fax from shortly from Y.B.I ( Yahoo Bureau of Investigations ) and will post the pictures as soon as possible.....

More to come on this breaking story as reports come in.

Ur_Witch, a member of Both Ways Room 2, also known as "The Iggy Witch" has suffered a tragic episode in her life. It seems as though her son has been in a terrible accident and is in cridical condition. She has pledged to be by his side till he recovers from this unfortunate incident.

Our hearts go out to her and her Family.... Were hoping for the best!

If you would like to send a thought of hope and enlightment we here at Y.N.N will see to it that they are delivered to the room for her and her friends to view.

Send thoughts to ( titled, thoughts of /O/ur_witch ).

Just the Boy's room 1, a once famous room in the Yahoo Nation, has suffered a major loss in the recent past and it seems that has yet to recover. Tristenela2001 reports "Its a major HOT BED for booters".

JTB was once a strong room in the movement to take over Yahoo. With the sudden resignation of their leaders, their voice capabilities are now in jeapordy. "Any room that does'nt use their voice chat is in jeapordy of loseing the priviladge" Mike Loseass, Spokesperson for Yahoo Chat Central.

There are reports coming out that the next room to be misshandeled by that Famous duo and their General will be the "White Pride Room".

"It will be an increadiable task that the Radboiz are ready for" Surf_n_Skate. "When we are ready for another take over it will be in a location that is kept concealed from the public" Skate_n_Surf. "We do have the General out searchin the rooms now and when he makes the decision, a date will be set for the overtakeing" Granger_smith, spokes person for the Radboiz organization.

And now for Teen News.............

It seems MoBoY has been seen lurking around the corners in LGB 1 and has actually been heard asking to see some of the boy's on cam. Some of the boy's that have allowed this viewing are, Ludacrisboi and Brandon ( malewhore ).

MoBoY another former resident of JTB 1, had been outted from that room and was a drifter for quiet some time.

Some of the boy's, such as ludacris, are looking for an older man to do what they please to them, we have audio of Ludacrisboi offering our investigator $1000 dollars to "Fuck him up the Ass". The tapes have been filed for future use.



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