Hey, this is Wolverine, and this is the commentaries page.
This is an idea I had, where we the writters will give an explaination of our stories in the Xtreme Wolveirne Saga.
Every story has a meaning, now find out what they are.
That is, if you dare walk in our minds for a while.
Now not every episode will have a commentary, just like on the DVD sets of your favorite show, we will select a few of them.
How will we do that? Well, I can only speak for myself. I will pick the ones that we think are the most meaningful, or stand out more. Or just maybe our favorites.
1) Reality Bites, by Wolverine68
2) The Fate of the Planet, by Peter Gilmour
3) For Whom The Bell Tolls, by Wolverine68
4)City Of demons by Wolverine68
5)Mob Rules by Peter Gilmour
6) coming next week... maybe