Prof Dr. Irshad ul Haq After recitation of Holy Quran and Naat-e-Rasool (PBUH) Prof. Irshad-ul-Haque gave his welcome address. He announced that gastroentrology unit has been given full recognition by the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan. He said that gastroentrology unit has been providing services to the community of Faisalabad for last 16 years and now latest endoscope machines have also been added. He pointed out that Hepatitis has become the nightmare in our society and is spreading like the fire of jungle. The high morbidity and mortality rates can be curtailed enormously by creating awareness among the masses and highlighting the precautionary measures. He further added that walks and seminars along with booklets have been arranged by the Faisalabad Society of Gastroentrology to serve this purpose. Prof. Dr. Saeed Khokhar in his presidential address pointed out that about 10% of world population is suffering from different forms of liver disease. Now with the advancement of medical science most of these diseases can be treated if the patient approached the doctor in early stages of the disease. He further added that the re-use of injection syringes, blood transfusion without screening and increase in the number of addicts are adding much to this havoc. He announced that vaccination against Hepatitis "B" is being included in the child immunisation programme. After the welcome session three scientist sessions were held in which state of the art lectures were presented on IBS, APD and management of acute upper GI Bleed by distinguished speakers. Last session was a penal discussion on the diagnosis, management and prevention of viral hepatitis. Doctors took keen interest and there was active participation in the question answer session. Panellists include Prof. Dr. Irshad-ul-Haque as chairman, Prof. Anwar A. Khan, Prof. Saeed Hameed, Dr. Zahid Yaseen Hashmi, Dr. K.M. Yahya and Dr. Arif. Concluding session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Obaid-Ullah-Khawaja, Chief Executive Punjab Medical College, Faisalabad, who thanked the speakers and audiences and congratulated the Gastroentrology unit for this academic event. ****************** |