ABOUT US ABOUT E-MED This is the very first Medical Portal Site from Faisalabad, providing visitors especially the medical community, a chance to update their knowledge and exchange their views. Common man can also get benifit from this site as EMED is going to provide Interviews opportunity with eminent personalities and will answer all question put forward by medical as well as non medical visitors. News section will also help both kinds of visitors as up todate local and International News would be updated regularly. The Emed is a project of Zee Jay Associates <zeejay.htm>, Faisalabad, Pakistan. GLIMPSES OF THE SITE DIRECTORY OF DOCTORS The purpose of formation of a medical directory is to establish a liason between local doctors and abroad. There will be a star studded directory comprising of doctors from nearly all the fields of medical profession, starting from specialist to health managers. Furthermore this will also provide an updated directory of hospitals in Faisalabad city and around. REGULAR NEWSLETTER This will reflect the acheivements of E-med during the last fortnight. DISCUSSION FORUMS AND INTERVIEWS E-med has an honour to announce that it would be provided the following services:
OVERSEAS PAKISTANI PRIDE Needless to describe how our medical talent is working overseas day and night. Overseas Pakistani This will bridge that gap between overseas doctors and local community. Furthermore, our overseas doctors will provide every possible assistance to medical visitors especially, admission in foreign hospitals and universities. REVIEWS Regularly, up to date and informative material would be provided for the medical community especially for the young doctors pertaining to medical profession, career and health issues. Moreover regular NEWS update in the medical field would also be provided round the clock. A new and very important section has been added, it is about the JOBS wanted and offered by medical community. Here any one related to medical profession can post their demand or offer in the Medical related Jobs. A very important section is LINKS of vitaly important websites of various departments around the world. Medical student will find it a blessing for them for persuance of their education as well as professional development. EMED PANEL