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The I.D.D.(Iodine Deficiency Disease) Scene in Pakistan
About Dr Zahid
Masood Khan
After a long, slow struggle toward ending the devastating mental and physical
effects of iodine deficiency, the pace of progress has quickened and the goal of
virtually eliminating IDD is in sight. Salt iodization is on target in most
affected countries, and the global effort to conquer this problem is reaching
its final, defining phase. The history of this effort is a lesson in what can be
accomplished when scientists, development experts and political leaders work
together to focus attention and spur action on a specific health measure.
We have learned a great deal about communication and mobilization. We have also
begun to apply this knowledge to the creation of partnerships with industry and
other stockholders who can wipe out IDD entirely and forever by the year 2000.
Scientists were the first to sound the wake up call and then on the campaign was
taken up by UNICEF and WHO. Progress has certainly been made, but much more
needs to be done.
Clearly, the scientific and technical aspects of the campaign are critical. It
is essential to monitor health progress through surveillance, screening and
laboratory work and to assure the quality of the iodized salt product through
manufacture, transportation and storage. But it is equally important to assure
the quality of the entire process, particularly the communication and training
required to convey to everyone the importance of ingesting minute amounts of
iodine on a regular basis. Any relaxation of iodine use would allow IDD to
Selling the world on iodized salt is not like marketing some brand name. It is
not about boosting market share or getting most people to buy it. It is about
saving the brain of every child-- preserving normal growth by protecting against
brain damage. Nor is universal salt iodization simply a matter of passing laws,
telling people to make it and take it.
We have come to understand that partnerships help. People learn, practice and
adopt new behaviors indirectly through their interaction in groups as much and
perhaps even more than they do as individuals directly exposed to messages. This
is one reason program planners are increasingly concerned with creating close
ties, or partnerships, with societal groups that influence the people they want
to reach.
Another reason for working with partners is the success of the business
communication process of turning potential competitors into partners through
negotiation. By finding areas of common interest, collaboration and
profitability, a number of companies can work together to grow and thrive. In a
world where government and industry are mutually dependent, creating "
win-win " situations has become an effective development strategy as well
as an enlightened business practice.
Ecuador & Pakistan:
To show how partners work together in real programs, this guide cites examples
of social mobilization, primarily from Ecuador and Pakistan. These countries
offer two perspectives on social mobilization, one over the past decade, the
other a work in progress.
Ecuador: In 1984, Ecuador's Ministry of Health began to build an
integrated program against iodine deficiency that has overcome technical,
geographical, language and bureaucratic barriers to protect almost all of its
five million Andean population against iodine deficiency. Since salt is produced
by a small number of large producers in Ecuador, many argue that advocacy with
decision makers, discussion with industry, regulatory action and monitoring
should have been enough.Working with just a few producers, Ecuador was able to
subsidize iodized salt for a few years until consumer demand was enough to pass
the cost on to the consumers. However, because those most at risk were also the
most difficult to reach, these " supply side " activities had to be
matched with " demand side " work.
With international and bilateral support from the government of Belgium, Ecuador
followed a social marketing strategy backed by considerable advocacy work that
helped to involve agencies and influential people at every level. This sort of
extensive advocacy at the international, national, provincial and community
levels was coupled with a " problem-solving " management style.
As the program proceeded, partners were found to provide needed resources, to
accomplish specific tasks, and to overcome obstacles. Planning was decentralized
and program promotion put in the hands of provincial training teams with ready
telefax communication to the sources of power and resources in the capital. The
provincial teams involved local leaders and rural school teachers and enlisted
the support of other relevant individuals and organizations. this is an example
of social mobilization or good social marketing, whichever term you prefer.
Advocacy and alliance-building helped gather strength for the IDD program in
Ecuador by essentially asking everybody to pull in the same direction. After ten
years of continuing reassessment and revision, Ecuador's program was declared to
have virtually eliminated iodine deficiency in 1994.
Pakistan: In comparison to Ecuador, Pakistan has many more salt
producers, a less well developed road infrastructure and an uncontrolled iodized
salt price. Pakistan is also more heavily populated, and its IDD program started
from a much lower percentage of iodized salt consumption in 1994: 2% as compared
to 50% in Ecuador.
Despite these differences, Pakistan uses a " problem-solving "
management style similar to that used in Ecuador. Because it is taking place
today, Pakistan is making use of new thinking about alliance building. Recently,
after a quickly achieved increase in iodized salt consumption from 2% to 17%,
the market share of iodized salt in Pakistan began to drop. Planners quickly
re-assessed the IDD program and revised their communication strategy to include
more training and alliance-building activities. The IDD program has strengthened
and widened its steering committee, revised messages for consumers, and involved
well regarded social workers in support of iodized salt.
It should be noted that mid-course corrections, such as those made in Ecuador
and Pakistan, are a sign of program strength, not weakness. The ability to
identify problems, adapt messages to changing conditions, take advantage of new
opportunities, and seek out new partners means that essential monitoring systems
are in place. Message design relies on knowing the audience -- understanding the
knowledge, attitude, beliefs, and practices of its different segments -- but
without some trial and error, no one truly knows what message or combination of
messages will fit best or what the best delivery system will be.
In Pakistan where education is highly valued, the IDD program has used
endorsements of religious leaders and health workers to market iodized salt as a
way of enhancing children's capacity for learning. Interpersonal contacts
stressed the positive results of using iodized salt rather than the negative
consequences of not using it.
On the other hand, an evaluation of television ads found that the picture of a
weak and disabled child was the most effective element influencing viewers in
Pakistan to start using iodized salt. Researchers concluded that the impact of
the advertisement stemmed from the viewers fear of disorders caused by iodine
deficiency, especially among children. Clearly we need to learn what motives
people in different cultures and circumstances to change their eating habits,
but we do not always have to paint a pretty picture.
Despite these caveats, marketing has tremendous strengths. Both commercial
marketing and social marketing are geared to meet the needs perceived by the
different groups of users, not just the needs of program heads. Making extensive
use of audience segmentation, focus groups, pre-testing, and other formative
evaluation methods, marketing is one of the most important tools we have to
design messages and choose communication channels for particular target groups.
David Alnwick, Venkatesh Mannar
The Medical SPECTRUM
Vol.21 No.12 December 2000
The Problem and Its Solution
The IDD problem statement says iodine deficiency disorders are the single most
common cause of preventable mental retardation and brain damage in the world.
They cause goiters and decrease the production of hormones vital to growth and
development. Children with IDD can grow up stunted, apathetic, mentally retarded
and incapable of normal movement, speech or hearing. The visible effects of IDD
(cretinism) account for only as much as 10% of the ramifications. At least 90%
of IDD consequences remain hidden. IDD in pregnant women cause miscarriage,
stillbirth and mentally retarded children.
* 1.6 billion people are at risk.
* IDD effects 50 million children worldwide.
* 100,000 cretins are born every year.
Iodine deficiency was once considered a minor problem, causing goiter, an
unsightly but seemingly benign cosmetic blemish. However, it is now known that
iodine deficiency is the most common preventable cause of mental handicap in the
world today, constituting a threat to the social and economic development of
many countries of the world including some in Europe.
These are effective and affordable technologies that will prevent iodine
deficiency and the problems it causes. ICCIDD specialists, collaborating with
development agencies, governments and institutions, can provide the technical
assistance required to control IDD.
The Effects
On Individuals:
goiter, hypothyroidism, loss of energy. In pregnant mothers:
miscarriages, stillbirths and
mentally retarded children.
In Children:
impaired mental and physical development, dropouts, mental retardation,
deformities and cretinism.
On Society:
lower productivity and higher demand on social services.
The solution is relatively simple. A teaspoon of iodine is all a person requires
in a lifetime, but because iodine cannot be stored for long periods by the body,
tiny amounts are needed regularly. In areas of endemic iodine deficiency, where
soil and, therefore crops and grazing animals do not provide sufficient dietary
iodine to the populace, food fortification and supplementation have proven
highly successful and sustainable interventions. Iodized salt programs and
iodized oil supplements are the most common tools in the fight against IDD.
Iodine is an essential element for thyroid function, necessary for the normal
growth, development and functioning of the brain and body. Iodine deficiency is
the single most common cause of preventable mental retardation and brain damage
in the world.
The Medical SPECTRUM
Vol.21 No.12 December 2000