& Diabetes
Dr Sameera Bazli
Common questions raised by women who wish to have a child,
Will my baby have diabetes ?
The risk is small.For you as a women
with diabetes, there is almost no greater chance that your child will have
diabetes, than that of a non diabetic women. There are virtually no cases of
newborn babies having diabetes.
my baby have malformations ?
Provided your blood sugar is well
controlled before and during your pregnancy the risk is only a little above
average. If the diabetes is controlled, the risk is almost the same as in non-
diabetic pregnancy.
What is important before I get pregnant ?
Blood glucose as near normal as possible before you get
pregnant. Therefore you may need adequate training and learn how to adapt
your insulin dosage to the blood glucose values, plan pregnancy and use reliable
contraception. For those with diabetic complications, special consultation is
Will I experience special difficulties with
control of diabetes during my pregnancy ?
The use of modern management ( blood glucose monitoring, frequent insulin
injections and following a proper diet ) has made the control of diabetes during
pregnancy not more difficult than usual, but you need special care during
Will I have a normal delivery ?
Yes, that’s the aim. You ,may however be admitted a couple of
weeks before term.
What shall I tell my family members ?
That to have ahealthy baby is possible provided good control is
achieved.You should encourage your family to
join you during your consultations. We would be more than willing to
reply to your questions they wish to raise.
Can I breast feed ?
Yes, just like a non- diabetic woman.
What about late complications of diabetes ?
They cannot be induced by pregnancy. If already present,
with appropriate care, they usually do not worsen.
Consult your doctor whilst planning, as well as during your pregnancy,
especially as soon as you become pregnant. Don’t wait !