About Prof Dr Mrs Tasneem Cheema 2- How cretinism differs from dwarfism. 3- Describe the effects of hypocalcemia. How will you clinically expose the latent tetany? 4- Describe the ovarian function tests. 5- Give an account of mechanism of action of steroid hormones. Describe the features due to an excess of steroid hormone (cortisol). 6- Give an account of, 7- What are the main differences between T3 & T4? How is secretion of thyroxin regulated? Write the causes and features of thyrotoxicosis. 8- Describe the functions of placenta with special emphasis on its hormonal role. 9- Discuss functions of testosterone during fetal life and puberty. 10- Enumerate the hormones secreted by pancreas. Discuss the mechanism of gluco-regulation by the pancreatic hormones. 11- Describe the role of hormones in the development of mammary glands and in the process of lactation. 12- Discuss, 13- What are the effects of prolonged hyper secretion of cortisol. 14- Describe, 15- Describe, 16- Describe the role of hormonal axis in the menstrual cycle. 17- Describe the mechanism of action of hormones on target cells. 18- Describe conditions associated with hyper secretion of growth hormones. 19- Discuss the hypoglycemic effects of various hormones. 20- Discuss male infertility. 21- Write notes on, 22- Describe testicular functions and control of spermatogenesis. 23- Describe role of vitamin D in calcium metabolism. 24- CONN'S Syndrome (Hyperaldostironism). 25- Describe Diabetes Inspidus. 26- Discuss hormonal control of pregnancy. 27- Discuss process of menopause. 28- Discuss how hormones regulate skeletal growth of body. 29- Discuss how hormones regulate general growth of body. 30- Describe, 31- Compare & contrast Diabetes mellitus & Diabtes inspidus. 32- Discuss, 33- Discuss, |