Boromir son of Denethor

Boromir is a powerful warrior, and leader from Minas Tirith in Gondor. He believes that the Ring should be used against Sauron rather than destroyed, and this belief plagues him throughout the journey until his death at the hands of Saruman's Uruk-hai. Boromir is not an especially deep character- Tolkien seems unwilling to invest too much of his writing into a charcter with such a tragic flaw, one that spells his doom, but he does have one noble driving purpose- the protection of the people of Gondor. It is through this conviction and eventual downfall despite that that Tolkien shows an aspect of the moral code he is designing in the story, that the motives behind an action do not make an action correct. Boromir realizes this after attempting to take the Ring from Frodo.

Despite this failing, Boromir also serves to show the possibility of redemption. Despite falling under the sway of the Ring, he fights valorously to save the other Hobbits, and Aragorn declares that he has died with his honor restored.


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