The Other Races

In addition to the Free Peoples, Middle Earth contains several other races, most of which are either naturally inclined toward evil, or are under Sauron's control. None of these races were created by the Valar, but are actually corruptions of the Free Peoples races, either created from them and tortured into new form, or made in mockery of them.

The Goblins: The Goblins are underground dwellers. They share a primary characteristic with Orcs in that they cannot tolerate the Sun, and prefer to remain underground during the daytime unless forced otherwise. They are also devilishly clever; Tolkien comments that the Goblins are probably responsible for the original creation of many wartime devices that plague the world yet today. They are a mockery of the Dwarves, in their crafting skills and their creation of tunnel-like or mine-like underground homes.

The Orcs: The Orcs are the descendants of corrupted Elves, who were tortured and broken by the dark Vala Morgoth. They, like the Goblins, cannot abide the Sun, and are enslaved to Sauron's will, fearing him and his terrible servants, the Nazg&#ucircl.

The Nazg&#ucircl: These are the Ringwraiths, the Men who were enslaved by Sauron through the use of the Rings of Power. They have faded from the real world, and are extensions of his arm. Unable to see by normal means, they are still difficult to defeat, having no true flesh to wound, and being made immortal by the power of the rings they bear.

The Trolls: The Trolls are mockeries of Ents, again made by Morgoth. They have the Ents strength, but none of their virtues of patience, good humor, or long memory and intelligence.

The Uruk-Hai: These are a corruption unique to the latter part of the Third Age, and created by the wizard Saruman as a personal army to secure himself from Sauron's forces. They are a blend of Goblin, Man, and Orc, bred together by foul craft, and are consummate warriors. They are stronger and taller than Men, but maintain Man's ability to move in daylight, and are capable of travelling at great speed. They are indeed a fierce foe.

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