
Illúvatar is the Creator being in Tolien's universe. It is he who made Middle Earth, and who made the Valar and the Maia to execute his will in the world. Illúvatar is also responsible for the design of a plan for the defeat of evil on Middle Earth, but no one else is privy to it, and cannot see how the presence of beings like Melkor and Sauron actually highlight the goodness of the rest of the Creator's makings.

It is also known that Illúvatar is directly responsible for the creation of Elves (the first-born, or Eldar) and Men. Presumably he also created Ents, Wizards, Eagles, and the other, more unique denizens of Middle Earth, such the the Beornings and Tom Bombadil. He did not, however, create the Dwarves- they were an unauthorized action by Valar Aulë, but one which Illúvatar foreknew, and had already woven into his plans for Middle Earth.

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