
The Dwarves are the only Free Peoples race in Middle Earth that is known to have not been created by Illúvatar himself. Instead, they were created by the Vala Aulë. Though well-made, the Dwarves were not as perfect as the handiwork of Illúvatar, and suffered from Aulë's pride in the other things of his making- the foundations of the earth, and the precious things hidden within. As a result, although Dwarves are in many ways tougher than any other race in Middle Earth, being strong despite a short stature, skilled in all forms of smithing, and dauntlessly brave, they also have a great failing of posessiveness that is rampant throughout the culture. While not disabling; a Dwarf does not covet what another owns too strongly, it is troubling as they will not let go of posessions easily, nor will they relinquish what they view as theirs without a fearsome struggle. These traits can clearly be seen as a general theme throughout Tolkien's prequel to the Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit.

The Dwarven member of the Fellowship was Gimli, son of Gloin. He is possessed of the pride and boastfulness typical of his race, but also seems less tied to their weaknesses than other Dwarves that Tolkien has introduced.

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