Númenor (Westernesse)

Númenor, also known as Westernesse, was the geratest human kingdom ever known. It was on an island continent between Middle Earth to the East and the Undying Lands to the West. The men of Númenor were consumate sailors, leaders, and scholars. They were the last true race of High Men, and the men that populate Gondor and who make up the Dúnedain are descended from them. They were a long-lived race, with the nobility often reaching ages of 400 years.

After the Valar banished Morgoth, the men of Westernesse fell under the sway of Sauron, who at the time still could appear good. He convinced them that death was the greatest injustice of all time, and that they should sail away and take the Undying Lands by force.

Foolishly heeding this advice, the king of Westernesse and his advisors mounted a force and sailed into the West. They were utterly destroyed, and in retaliation for their pride the island kingdom of Westernesse was destroyed and sank beneath the waves. Only a few escaped; among them Elendil and his son Isildur, who had not listened to Sauron's counsel.

It was they who founded the Northern and Southern Kingdoms of men in Middle Earth.

The men of Númenor seem to represent the virtues of knowledge and wisdom, but also provide a caution against the pride that comes with such virtues.

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