The Undying Lands

When the world was first made, the Undying Lands were placed at the farthest west edge of the Western Sea, beyond even the island kingdom of Númenor and far past Middle Earth. This was the home of the Valar and the first home of the Elves. After their descent into evil, Morgoth and Sauron were responsible for much damage to the Undying Lands.

After the fall of Númenor, the world was bent, so that the Undying Lands lay no longer on the mortal plane, as their promise of living forever was too great a temptation for Men to bear, and the attack on them by the King of Westernesse proved that the old proscriptions no longer held sway in the hearts of Men. The Elves still posess the ability to sail to them, however, and it is to these lands that the Sea-Elves that Frodo meets early in his journey are travelling, and to which all Elves eventually will go. go.

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