Old News
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Old News Postings:

September 9, 2002
Linked the Downloads section to files, so there are actually elements in it. Also set up a small Links page- I don't have a whole lot of things to link to, but they're in there now. Also started considering how I want to do the Writing section.

September 7, 2002
Today I completed the image pages, linked them to the galleries, started considering long-term cgi approaches to automation of pages, spent some time trying to coax the holly server (CSU's mail server) to run my scripts, and added code to each major article in the strategy sections to allow email based commenting on the articles. These comments will be posted to the pages containing each article as soon after I recieve them as I can.

September 6, 2002
Finished scanning in pics for some more Friends galleries. Started creating image pages for each one and updated the gallery links. Also tossed an extra photo or two into each of the other galleries.

September 5, 2002
Finished up with all I'm going to do on the Star Wars section for now. Tomorrow I will be getting some pictures back to add to the Friends Gallery and will also probably start on either fleshing out the Favorites section or posting documents in the Writing section. Also, as soon as I can corner my roommate about some cgi problems I am having with the holly server, I plan to add comment abilities to my strategy articles, so there is some interactivity on the site. I should probably check Angelfire and see if my stuff is still looking about right. Talk with you all later.

September 3, 2002
Finished deck postings for Lord of the Rings section. Enhanced a few of the Photo Galleries with some new prints. Also created some software to generate Image pages and indexing pages automatically in VB. You haven't seen messy syntax until you've used VB to generate JavaScript that will dynamically create HTML. It's impressive: ('Menu"" + i + ""')\"""">"");" is an actual chunk of a line in the code (and it's syntactically correct and in simplest form!).

August 29, 2002
Finished some last touches on Strategy articles. Just need to post Ranger Runing deck now. Also began working with Form posting and CGI stuff. Idea is to make response galleries to each article. To see the test page, click here.

August 28, 2002
Have completed the redundant navigation system for the page. Also have begun to enhance the page content. Finished About section photo galleries, added Hobbies section information and added significant amounts of Lord of the Rings items.

August 22, 2002
In order to eliminate problems from slow connections not fully loading the Nav Bar, and to reduce dependance on JavaScript, I have added alternate/redundant navigation elements to the entire site. These are text-based and placed at the bottom of each page, in a relatively standardized manner.

August 18, 2002
Abandoned the Non-scripted side of the site. Changed the entry page to match, but have not completely eliminated the non-scripted pages. Also have updated some graphics on the host side of things.

August 14, 2002
Finished up the Favorites page, although subpages still need to be done. Uploaded a few more things to Angelfire. Redid some directory structure management, and added a small routine to my MinUtils.js javascript function. Also started resaving brown shaded and green shaded versions of my Navigation images, as the originals were done in PhotoMagic at too high a compression rate.

August 8, 2002
Finished up porting the Academics section to the new style and minimized script approach. It was pretty straightforward, as I have given all the content thereof previous work. Now to start on the less finished but more fun sections...

August 6, 2002
Got the Friends and Family Photo Galleries to acceptable starting points. Can easily continue to add to them at need, but currently have no real reason to. Will continue on galleries once my roommate's scanner is up and running- until then I think I will move on to the Academics section.

August 3, 2002
Adding a little more content to the site. I think the framework for the top layer pages on the script site is complete. The framework for the non-script site will take a lot longer, however. I am home yet again from Sterling, and should actually have enough time over the next couple of days to complete a little work.

July 26, 2002
Added a legal disclaimer regarding images and content to the footer creation routine.

July 19, 2002
Doing a complete revamp of the site and the approach to displaying items after finding that my previously completely script based approach was not working very well over slow connections. Now I am setting up a two sided approach, both a script free and a scripted site, but with the site scripts minimized and embedded directly into the page rather than being grouped into external files, the way that the programmer in me wants them to be.

July 7, 2002
It's getting to the point where I may have to make an old news page to move this stuff too as it starts to make my index page slow. Anyway, have continued to upload page elements to Angelfire. Also created two new sub-pages in my Academics section. For the moment, I think I will consider Academics finished with.

July 6, 2002
Got everything up Angelfire. Found that my cool approach to dynamically loading image pages from a single HTML using cookies wasn't supported. Very disappointed. Redesigned the page to use individual pages for each image. Still can be dynamically created from my script files though. Occurred to me that I should post my scripts somewhere on the page for everyone else to use if they want.

July 5, 2002 cont'd
Uploaded my page to AngelFire. Tried FreeWebHosts first, and decided that all web hosts are evil... I can't get stuff to work that worked locally, and when I was on FreeWebHosts, files would get corrupted with extra linefeeds that I couldn't get rid of, which caused errors in scripts that should have run perfectly... Quite annoyed right now.

July 5, 2002 cont'd
I have noticed that the image pages often don't load quite right on their first shot, if the image is large, because the scaling makes it tiny. However, when poaded again, and any time after that, it seems fine. This could be a serious issue if each computer must load them once, then once again before they work right...

July 5, 2002
Finishing up my Academics page. Having a little bit of trouble with intra-parent page linking, but should have that figured out soon. Here's a test link to see if it works when directly implemented, then maybe I can figure out why it doesn't when done through Javascript. Also divided up the lookup tables for the image galleries, so there was a smaller overhead for text transfer in the image pages, as it was approaching 50% on each image for the JS file that I am using to allow dynamic construction of pages.

July 3, 2002
A shorter work week this week, due to the 4th of July holiday. This let me finish up some more work on this site. My academics pages now contain links to some sample VLSI stuff. Of course, for the non-engineers out there, this probably doesn't mean a whole lot. Look soon for some Lord of the Rings posting in my Hobbies section, as well as some sample Java code and other things in my downloads section.

June 29, 2002
After a very long week spent working in Sterling running computer cabling, I am finally home so I can continue on this project. Hoping to finish the automated image display pages.

June 21, 2002
I have just finished migrating the code from hard-coded HTML to dynamic java code, which chould greatly increase the flexibility of the page structure, as well as reducing transfer time, as I have reduced redundant materials.

June 20, 2002 cont'd
Finished up the Java applets to create sidebar menu buttons and animate them. Also have started making subordinate pages. Currently they have a minor bug of linking to themselves rather than the intended target- the index page. Will fix that here shortly. Probably easier to do it in code than manually, but oh well...

June 20, 2002
Finished up some really cool sidebar buttons in 3dsMax. Having some trouble convincing them to convert nicely to transparent gifs. Probably am going to compromise to a black bkg jpeg, as the size is also approx. 50% less. Eventually will include an applet to make them 2 phase buttons.

June 19, 2002
Beginning to set up a webpage. Debating about content, and why I am bothering.


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